Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1259

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1216 SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESs . III. CH. 276. 1931 . each particular case, the rating of such officer continues to be found unsatisfactory and such finding is confirmed by the Secretary of State after a heari ng ac corded the offic er, su ch officer shall be separated fr om the service wit h the annuity or bon us provided in this sectio n, but no office r so separated f rom the service shall receive service requirement . the said annuity or bonus unless at the time of separation he shall Contributions re- have served at least fifteen years . He shall, however, if he has not turne d if not r equi red s erved at least fift een y ears have retu rnd to hi m the full sum of his serv ice .

cont ribut ion to the annui ty fun d, wi th in terest ther eon at 4 per Sepa rati on for mal- ce ntum com pou nded ann ual ly . The benefits of this section, except at feasance in office. the op tion of the Secr etary of State t he retur n of an officer' s con- tribut ion to t he annui ty fund, shall n ot be gi ven to F oreign S ervice officers separated from the Foreign Service on account of malfeasance in office. salary not reduced upon promotion to " SEC . 34 . That nothing in this Act shall be construed to reduce higher class,

the sa lary of any Fore ign Serv ice offi cer upon promoti on to a higher class . Accounting and dis- " SEC. 35. That the President is hereby authorized, whenever the bursing offices .

y Establishment au- necessity for such offices with a view to effecting economies in thorized . acco untin g proc edure is a pparen t, to pres cribe certa in fisca l dis - Part of Department tricts or areas and to establish within each such district asa part of State service.

of the Department of State service, a district accounting and dis- To exer cise cont rol b ursi ng of fice to ex erci se co ntrol ove r the accounts and ret ur ns of over acco unts, etc . Administrative acall diplomatic missions and consular offices within the district in - counting responsib ility . such manner as the President may direct . To each such office may be assigned the administrative accounting responsibility for receipts and expenditures of the diplomatic missions and consular off ice s recountin g for fee s . within the dist rict . Each district office shall be in charge of an accountable off ic er, to whom all fees, and other official monies, received by any diplomatic, consular, or Foreign Service officer Disbursements for may be accounted for, under such rules and regulations as may current e xpenses, e tc . be prescribed by the Secretary of State, all such fees and monies, Residue deposited in- or the residue thereof after the payment of salaries, allowances, to Tre asury .

and cur rent exp enses of the dip lomatic missions and con sular of fices Entrusting of monies within the district, to be paid by the district accou nting and d is- to bonded officers, au- bursing officer into the Treasury of the United States . Such dis- thorized.

trict accounting and disbursing officers accountable for public monies may entrust monies to other bonded officers for the pur po se of Responsibility there- having them make disbursements as his agent, and the officer to for ,

whom the monies are entrusted, as well as the officer who entrusts the m onies to him, shall be held pecu niari ly res ponsi ble t herefo r Rende ringa ccoun ts, to th e Uni ted State s . All diplomatic, consular or Foreign Service officers on duty within the area covered by such district offices may send required. be req uired to render accounts of thei r disbur sements to the o fficer in charge of such district office to be included in his accounts. Said district accounting and disbursing officers and their age nts sh all be bonded respectively to the United States for the faithful per- formance of their duties in such penal amounts as the President Appointment .

may require . "Provided further, That the Secretary of State is authorized to appoint such district accounting and disbursing officers and t heir assistants in the same manner as clerks in diplomatic missions and R.' S., see3622, consular offices are appointed . p.71, amended . l s.

" Section 3622 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U . S. C ., title 31, sec . 496), and any other existing statutes, in so far as Fees transmitted they conflict with this section are hereby amended . throu gh D epar tmen t of " SEC. 36. That all fees and other official monies received by dip- State for deposit.

lomatic missions or consular offices or by the district accounting and disbursing offices provided in section 35 above, may be trans-