Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1265

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III . CR. 277 . 1931 . Whenever, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, the Farm Loan Board shall find that the expenses of travel can be reduced thereby, it may, in lieu of actual operating expenses, under such regu- lations as it may prescribe, authorize the payment of not to exceed 3 cents per mile for motor cycle or 7 cents per mile for an automobile, Proviso .

used for necessary travel on official business : Provided, That, at the Destruction of paid


? bonds, etc . request of the Federa l Farm Loan Bo ard, w henever in its opinio n the expense will be reduced thereby, the work in Washington inci- dent to the verification for destruction of paid and canceled interme- diate credit bank debentures, farm loan bonds and coupons thereof, may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, be per- formed by the office of the Register of the Treasury, and the appro- priation rom which salaries of employees in the office of the Register of the Treasury are paid may be reimbursed from this appropriation for the actual expense of such work . Allowance for motor vehicle travel . Treasurer's Office .


Salaries : F or Trea surer o f the U nited S tates, Assista nt Trea s- and office personnel, urer, and for other personal services in the District of Columbia, $1,2 27,8 00 . Redeeming Federal For personal services in the District of Columbia, in redeeming reserve and national c urren cy.

Federal reserve and national currency, $332,746, to be reimbursed by the Federal reserve and national banks . Office of Comptroller of the Currency . Comptroller,

and office personnel . Federal reserve and national currency. Personal services . Special ex aminations, e tc, internal Revenue Bureau. Coll ectin g int ernal revenue. Comm ission er, g en- eral counsel, and office and field person nel . Rent . Misce llaneo us ex. pen ses . OFFICE OF THE C OMP TROL LER OF THE CU RREN CY Sa lar ies : Comptrol ler of the Cur rency, $5,000 ; for per sona l se rv- ices in the District of Columbia, $257,320 ; in all, $262,320 . For personal services in the District of Columbia in connection with Federal reserve and national currency, $53,363, to be reimbursed by the Federal reserve and national banks . For s pecial examinat ions of nation al banks and ba nk plates, kee p- ing macerater in Treasury Building in repair, and for other inci- dental expense s atten ding th e worki ng of t he mace rater, and for procuring information relative to banks other than national, $1,500 . BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Collecting the internal revenue : For expenses of assessing and collecting the internal-revenue taxes, including the employment of a Commissioner of Internal Revenue at $10,000 per annum, a general counsel for the Bureau of Internal Revenue at $10,000 per annum, an assistant to the commissioner, a special deputy commissioner, three deputy commissioners, one stamp agent (to be reimbursed by the stamp manufacturers), and the necessary officers, collectors, deputy collectors, attorneys, experts, agents, accountants, inspectors, clerks, janitors, and messengers in the District of Columbia, the several collection districts, and the several divisions of internal- revenue agents, to be appointed as provided by law, telegraph and telephone service, rental of quarters outside the District of Columbia, postage, freight, express, necessary expenses incurred in making investigations in connection with the enrollment or disbarment of practitioners before the Treasury Department in internal-revenue matters, expenses of seizure and sale, and other necessary miscellane- ous expenses, including stenographic reporting services, and the pur- chase of such supplies, equipment, furniture, mechanical devices, law books and books of reference, and such other articles as may be nec- essary for use in the District of Columbia, the several collection districts, and the several divisions of internal-revenue agents,