Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1267

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III. CH. 277. 1931 . Distilled spirits may necessary expenses in connection therewith : Provided further, That house m for e bottlingain for purpose of concentration, upon the initiation of the Commis- bond .

sioner of Industrial Alcohol and under regulations prescribed by him, distilled spirits may be removed from any internal-revenue U. S. C., Supp. IV, bonded warehouse to any other such warehouse, and may be bottled p .327 . in bond in any such warehouse before or after payment of the tax, and the commissioner shall prescribe the form and penal sum of bond covering distilled spirits in internal-revenue bonded ware- houses and in transit between such warehouses . Bureau of Narcotics . Salaries and expen- ses. Salaries and expenses : For expenses to enforce the Act of Decem- 40Vol .i 8, . 785; Vl . ber 17, 1914 (U. S. C., title 26, sec . 211), as amended by the Revenue 305


Act of 1918 (U. S . C ., title 26, sets . 691-708), the Act approved 43b . S. C., pp. 211,635, February 9, 1909, as amended by the Act of May 26, 1922 (U . S . C ., 742, 784. Vol 35, p. 614; Vol title 21, sees . 171-184), known as the Narcotic Drugs Import and .

. P 9_s38c ., Supp. IV, II, title 5, sees . 281-281e), and the Act of June 14, 19 0 (46 Stat, u.s.U585.

585-587), iincluding the e mployment of executive officers, s,pp. IV, pp.


, p.20.

attorneys, agents, inspectors, chemists, supervisors, clerks, messen- Esecutive officers, personnel, etc .

gers, and other necessary employees in the field and in the Bureau of Narcotics in the District of Columbia, to be appointed as author- Securing evidence of ized by law ; the securing of evidence of violations of the Acts ; the lo Chemical violations . analyses . costs of chemical analyses made by others than employees of the United States ; the purchase of such supplies, equipment, mechanical devices, books, and such other expenditures as may be necessary in the several field offices ; cost incurred by officers and employees of Seiz ures, e tc .

the Bureau of Narcotics in the seizure, storage, and disposition of 685 . S . sec ., 3460, p . property under the internal revenue laws when the same is disposed U.S.C.,p.846. of under section 3460, Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 26, sec . 1193) ; hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled or horse- d rawn passe nger -carr ying vehi cles when nece ssary ; a nd fo r r ent al of necessary quarters ; in all, $1,708,528, of which amount not to exceed $211,620 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- Use of Provisos. forfeited ve- trict of Columbia : Provid ed, That the Secretary of the Treasury hicles, etc °

may authorize the use, by narcotic agents, of motor vehicles c on- Vol. 43, p.1116. u. s. c., p. 858.

fiscated under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1925 (U .S.C., title 27, sec. 43), as amended, and to pay the cost of acquisition, Collection, etc ., of maintenance, repair, and operation thereof : Provided further, That mw observance infor- mation . not exceeding $10,000 may be expended for the collection and dis- semination of information and appeal for law observance and law en force ment , inc ludin g co st of prin ting , pur chase of newsp apers , and other necessary expenses in connection therewith

Prov ided Credits for sums ex- further, That moneys expended from this appropriation for the pended, etc. purchase of narcotics and subsequently recovered shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation for enforcement of the narcotic Acts current at the time of the deposit . Coa st Guar d . Off ice per son nel . Technical services ; BUREAU OF NARCOTICS COAST GUARD Office of the commandant : For personal services in the District of Columbia, $374,660. The services of skilled draftsmen and such other technical services as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary may be employed only in the office of the Coast Guard in connection with the construction and repair of Coast Guard vessels and boats, to be paid from the appropriation " Repairs to Coast Guard vessels ":