Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/136

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Gov ern me nt Print- ing Office. To pay Samuel Robinson, William Madden, Joseph De Fontes, Wil l iam aRoeno , and Preston L . George, messengers on night duty during the first seph De Fon tes, and session of the Seventy-first Congress, $900 each, fiscal year 193 0, Preston L. George . $3,600 . T he app ropria tion, "Publ ic pri nting and b inding , Gove rnment or dongressional Rec . Prin ting Off ice, 193 0," is h ereb y ma de a vail able for the emp loym ent Add iti on al ca ta- of an additional cataloguer from March 1, to June 30, 1930 , both I• Vot 45 p . 14t~honzea . dates inclusive, to index the Congressional Record under the direc- tion of the Joint Committee on Printing at the rate of $2,100 per annum . EXECUTIVE OFFICE C onting ent ex penses : For add itio nal amo unt for con ting ent Contingent ex penses . expe nses of the Exec utiv e Of fice , in clud ing the same obj ects spe ci- fied under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $6,000 . Executive Mansion and rounds : For an additional amount for Executive Mansion . o

Care, etc., of, and the care, maintenance, repair, and alteration of the Executive grounds . Mansion and grounds, including the same objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $200,000 . ARLI NGTO N ME MORI AL BRIDGE CO MMIS SION

Arlington Memorial Bri dge Commission. F or an additi onal a mount for c ontinu ing t he con struct ion of do Continuing construe- ion . Arlington Memorial Bridge across the Potomac River at Vol. 45, p. 575. Washington, including the same objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $200,000 . BUREAU OF EFFICIENCY

Efficiency Bureau . Salaries and expenses : For an additional amount for salaries ses alaries, and eapen- and expenses of the Bureau of Efficiency, including the same objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930 , $7, 120, which may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Executive Office . 93 Civil Service Com- mission. S a la r ie s : For an addit ional amount for personal services in th e Personal services . District of Columbia, fiscal year 1930, $10,000 . FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Vocational Education . pe r- Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in son s dbi l dis ab led bl ed i in fper- Cooperative

ni- industry : For an additional amount for carrying out the provisions d st ry41, p. 735; Vol. of an Act enti tled "An Act to provide fo r the promotio n of voca- 43, p. 431. tional rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise Post, p. 524. and their return to civil employment," approved June 2, 1920 (U . U.S.C .,pp.,948,949; S. C., title 29, sees. 33-42), as amended by the Act approved June Supp.IV,p.447. 5, 1924 (U. S. C., title 29, sec. 31 ), fiscal year 1930, $37,000 . FEDERAL FARM BOARD Federal Farm Board . For an additional amount for carrying into effect the provisions rag Aec ultural Mark et- of the Act entitled the "Agricultural Marketing Act," approved Revolving fund. June 15, 1929, including all necessary expenditures authorized Aid e, p. 14. therein, $100,000,000, which amount shall become a part of the revolving fund to be administered by the Federal Farm Board as provided in such Act .