Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1389

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13 46 Ante, p. 371 . Black bass law . En forcement ex- penses . Ante, p. 845. U. S. C., Supp. IV, p. 182. Services in the Dis- trict . Attendance at meet- ings, etc . Pa tent O ffice . SEVENT Y-FIRS T CONG RESS . SESs . II I. Ca. 280 . 1931 . Creek station in the State of California, and the purchase and repair of the Rogue River substation in the State of Oregon, $208,500; in all $448 ,500, to be immediately available; as authorized by the Act oy May 21, 1930 (46 Stat., p . 371), at not to exceed the costs therein spe cif ied . Enforcement of black bass law : To enable the Secretary of Com- merce to carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled `An Act to regulate interstate transportation of black bass, and for other purposes,' approved May 20, 1926" (U . S. C ., Supp . III, title 16, sets . 851-856), approved July 2, 1930 (46 Stat ., pp. 845-847), $20,000, of which not to exceed $3,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Not to exceed $1,000 of the appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Fisheries shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of said bureau when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce, and not to exceed $1,500 shall be available for the rental of suitable quarters in the District of Columbia for laboratory and storage purposes . PATENT Or 1, ICE Sums from available The following sums are appropriated for the Patent Office for the revenues thereof.

rJ Ante, p . 1156.

fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, out of the revenues of such office in conformity with section 5of the Act approved April 11, 1930 (46 Sta t ., p . 155), to th e extent that s uch revenues a re sufficient t herefor Com missione r, and and any remainder out of the general fund of the Treasury, namely office personnel.

For the Commissioner of Patents and other personal services in Pe po

the District of Columbia, $3,502,000 : Provided, That of the amount Tmporary typists, etc •

herein appropriated not to exceed $25,000 may be used for special and temporary services of typists certified by the Civil Service Com- mission, who may be employed in such numbers, at $4 per diem, as may, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Patents, be necessary to keep current the work of furnishing manuscript copies of records . For purchase of law, professional, and other reference books and publications and scientific books, including their exchange, and expenses of transporting publications of patents issued by the Patent Office to foreign governments, directories, and for other contingent Copies o f weekly is- and miscellaneous expenses of the Patent Office, $44,980 . patents, repro- ductio ns, For producing copies of weekly issue of drawings of patents and designs; reproduction of copies of drawings and specifications of exhausted patents, designs, trade-marks, and other papers, such other papers when reproduced for sale to be sold at not less than cost plus 10 per centum; reproduction of foreign patent drawings; photo prints of pending application drawings; and photostat and photo- graphic supplies and dry mounts, $310,000 . ing allow`eabed head- The he adings of the d rawings for pat ented ca ses may be mult i- graphed i n the Pate nt Office for the p urpose of photolitho graphy . use of inventions . investigatingprior For investigating the question of public use or sale of inventions for two y ears or mo re prior to filing applicatio ns for pat ents, and such other questions arising in connection with applications for Defense in suits,

patents a nd the pri or art as may be de emed neces sary by th e Commis- Attendance at meet- sioner of Patents; for expense attending defense of suits instituted ings, etc • against the Commissioner of Patents, $800, and for expenses of attendanc e at meeti ngs conce rned with the work of the Pate nt Office when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce . Furniture, etc .

For furniture and filing cases, $228,970 . Pr inti ng and bind - For printing the weekly issue of patents, designs, trade-marks, ' ng.

prints, and labels, exclusive of illustrations; and for printing, engrav- Reference books, etc.