Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1398

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III. Cii. 281. 1931 .

1355 CHAP . 281 .-An Act Making appropriations for the Executive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, and for other purposes . Be i t enacted by the Senate an d House o f Representatives of the n In op nnd ien Offi ces United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following 1932. sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, for the Executive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, namely EXECUTIVE OFFICE COMPENSATION OF THE PRESIDENT AND VI CE PRESI DENT For compensa tion of the President of the United States, $75,000 . For compensation of the Vice President of the United States, $15,000 . February 23, 1931. [H. R. 16415.1 [Public, No . 720 .1 Executive Office . Compensation . President . Vice Pre side nt . OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT

Office of the Presi . dent . Salaries : For Secretary to the Presiden t, $10,000 ; two additional Secretaries, and office secretaries to the President at $10,000 each ; personal services in the personnel . office of the President, $96,180 ; in all, $126,180 : Pro vided, That Proviso . employees of the executive departments and other establishments of Details of employees. the executi ve branch of the Governme nt may be det ailed from ti me to time to the office o f the President of the United States for such temporary assistance as may be deemed necessary . Contingent expenses : For contingent expenses of the Executive Contingent expenses . Office, including stationery, record books, telegrams, telephones, books for library, furniture and carpets for offices, automobiles, expenses of garage, including labor, special services, and miscellaneous items, to be expended in the discretion of the President, $43,500 . For printing and binding, $2,700 .

ln Prin ting and bind . Traveling expenses : For traveling and official entertainment Travel ing, et c ., ex- expenses of the President of the United States, to be expended in his Pen ""' discretion and accounted for on his certificate solely, $25,000. EXECUTIVE MANSION AND GROUNDS

Exec utiv e Man sion , etc . For the care, maintenance, repair and alteration, refurnishing, Care, repair, etc . improvement , heating, a nd lighting, including ele ctric power a nd fixtures of the Executive Mansion, the Executive Mansion green- houses, including recon struction, and the Executive Mansion grounds, and traveling expenses, to be expended as the President may deter- Traveling expenses . mine, $185,000 . Protection o f interests of the United St ates in matters affecting Oil lands in former naval reserves . oil lands in former nav al reserves : For co mpe nsa tio n a nd exp ens es lug

se , establish . of special counsel and for all other expenses, including employment of experts and other assistants at such rates as may be authorized or approved by the President, in connection with carrying into effect the joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to institute proceedings touching se ctions 16 and 36, township 30 south, range 23 east, Mount Diablo meridian, approved February 21, 1924 (43 Stat . . Vol.43,p.15. p . 15), $60,000, of which $40,000 shall be immediately available, to be expended by the President . Total, Executive Office, $532,380 . AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENTS COMMISSION

M Ame ri can Battle sion . For every expenditure requisite for or incident to the work of the Vo1 e42ePes ~9 Ameri can Ba ttle M onument s Comm ission autho rized by the Act