Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1415

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Cs. 281. 1931 . Sour ces of . provisions of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, and amen dments Amount Y i~ ~a31 • on han d thereto, (a) the amount of operating funds on hand July 1, 1931 Salariesofomploycess

not to exceed $50,000,000 ; (b) $1,970,000, including the salaries oy From sales of ships and surplus property, employees of the Fleet Corporation assigned to the Shipping Board ; (c) all amounts received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, other than the proceeds of sales of ships and surplus property ; Liquidation ex- (d) so much of the total proceeds of sales of ships and surplus peuses. property received during the fiscal year 1932, but not exceeding $1,500,000, as is necessary to meet the expenses of liquidation, includ- ing the costs incident to the delivery of vessels to purchasers, the cost of maintaining the laid-up fleet and the salaries and expenses Prov isos .

of the personnel engaged in liquidation : Provided, That the unex- Expe rime ntal , etc ., work . . • 45, p.1 244 .

pended balance of $500,000 made available for experimental and research work in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1 930 is hereby reappropriated and made available until June 30, 1932, for the same purposes and under the same terms, including supervision and inspection of construction of vessels on which loans have been made from the construction loan fund the re • from . payable Provided further, That no part of these sums, (a), (b), (c), and (d), shall be used for the payment of claims arising out of the Interest earned. construction and requisitioning of vessels ; (e) all interest earned on the funds, excepting the construction loan fund, of the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation is to accrue to these funds and is made available for the purposes hereinbefore set forth subject to the limitations herein established : Provided Oper atin g oal tolfpoieign further, That the unexpended balances of the sums made available por ts • .

available. by the Indepe ndent O ffices Approp riation Act, 1930, for r econdi- Vol. 45, p. 1444.

tioning and operating ships for carrying coal to foreign ports shall continue available for the same purposes for the fiscal year 1932 . Unex pende d Spec ial olai ms .ba lanc e T hat por tion of the s ecial c laims appropr iation, contai ned in for , co ntin ued,

the Independent Offices A ppropriation Act for the fiscal year 1923, vol. 45, p.1244.

committed prior to July 1, 1923, and remain ing unexpended on J un e 3 0 , 19 3 1 , shall continue available until June 30, 1932, for the same purposes and under the same conditions . Operation of ships taken back fr om pur• To enable the Un ited St ates Sh ipping Board Merchan t Fleet Cor- cha sers .

poration to operate ships or lines of ships which have been or may be taken back from purchasers by reason of competition or other at valance reappropri- methods employed by foreign shipowners or operators, there is Vol. 44, p. 318.

hereby reappropriated the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $10,000,000 made for similar purposes in the Independent Offices President's approval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1927 : Provided, That no required .

expenditure shall be made for the purposes of this paragraph from this sum without the prior approval of the President of the United States . Emplo ymen t of at- No part of the sums appropriated in this Act shall be used to torneys subject to approval of Attorney pay the compensation of any attorney, regular or special, for the General. Unit ed Stat es Ship ping B oard or the Un ited St ates Sh ipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation unless the contract of employment has been approved by the Attorney General of the United States . Pay restri ction. No officer or employee of the United States Shipping Board or the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation shall be paid a salary or compensation at a rate per annum in excess of $10,000 except the following : One at not to exceed $18,000, and two at not to exceed $15,000 each . the Ren t District .

in No part of the funds of the United States Shipping Board Mer- chant Fleet Corporation shall be available for the rent of buildings in the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1 932 if suitable space is provided for said corporation by the Public Buildings Commission .