Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1418

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cii . 281 . 1931 .

1375 placed thereon, under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress, $222,000,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That the appro- Prvi osirom nav al priation aforesaid for Navy pensions shall be paid from the income fund . of the Navy pension fund, so far as the same shall be sufficient for Separ ate accounti ng . that purpose : Provided further, That the amount expended under each of the above items shall be accounted for separately . For military

accr uing and naval insurance accruing during the fiscal year Military and naval 1932 or in prior fiscal years, $121,500,000 .


insurance. Hospital and domiciliary facilities and services : For carrying out etIIsa itall,~domiciliary the provisions of the Acts entitled "An Act to authorize an appro- Ante, p . 716 . priation to provide additional hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dispensar y facilit ies for p ersons en titled to hospital ization u nder the World W ar Vet erans' Act, 1924, as ame nded, a nd for other purpo ses," approved December 23, 1929 (46 Stat ., p . 53), $7,950,000 ; "An Act Ho meVol unte er Soldiers' to establish a branch home of the National Home for Disabled No rthw est P acifi c branch . Volunteer Soldiers in one of the Northwest Pacific States," approved Ante, p. 852. July 3, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 852), $1,000,000 ; "An Act to provide for the establishment of a branch home of a National Home for Disabled ~ Sout hern p 9ranch . Volun teer Soldi ers in on e of the South ern S tates ," a pprov ed Ju ne 21, 1930 (46 Stat ., pp . 792-793), $1,000,000 ; "An Act to authorize an aMo untain branch, appropriation for construction at the Mountain Branch of the Ante, p. 843. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Johnson City, To gus, Me ., hospital . Tennessee, approved July 1, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 843), $650,000 ; An Ante, p. 366. Act authorizing the erection of a sanitary fireproof hospital at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol diers, Togus, Maine," approved May 16, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 366) i for the erection of these authorized facilities at or in the vicinity of the site specified, Immediately availa- $750,00 0 ; in all, $11,35 0,000, to be made immedia tely a vailab le and ble. to remain available until expended . State and Territorial Homes for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors : State and Territorial homes For con tinuin g aid to Sta te or Territ orial h omes f or the suppo rt of Continuing aid to . disabled volunteer soldiers, in conformity with the Act approved a . S. CPp.677. August 27, 1888 (U . S . C ., title 24, see . 134), as amended, including all classes of soldiers admissible to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $600,000 : Provided, That for any sum or sums Proviso . Colle ctions from in . collected in any manner from inmates of such State or Territorial mates . homes to be used for the support of said homes a like amount shall be deducted from the aid herein provided for, but this proviso shall not apply to any State or Territorial home into which the wives or widows of soldiers are admitted and maintained . Adjusted service certificate fund : For an amount necessary under ti cdju to d service cer• section 505 of the World War Adjusted Compensation Act of May Vol. 43, p.131. 19, 1924 (U. S. C., title 38, sees. 645-647) ) to provide for the payment PostP s,p , p .1 .1556 1 , 629. of the face value of each adjusted service certificate in twenty years from its date or on the prior death of the veteran, $112,000,000, to remain available until expended . For financing of the liability of the United States, created by Retirement Act . the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees in the but on Go vern ment cont ri- the

civil service, and for other purposes," approved May 22, 44 vp1.912, p. 619; Vol. 1920, and Acts amendatory thereof (U . S . C ., title 5, sec . 707a), u te, c.,p8 . Supp . $20,850,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the "civil- IV, p.30 . se rvice retire ment a nd dis abilit y fund ." Tota l, Vet erans' Admin istrat ion, $ 866,012 ,732 : Pr ovided , T ha t n o Proviso- Oleomargarine

re- part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of striction. oleomargarine or butter substitutes except for cooking purposes . Salaries limited to SEC . 2 . In expending appropriations or portions of appropriations, averag e rates under la ss contained in this Act, for the payment for personal services in the 'vol . 42, p. ification Act 1488; Vol. District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 45 A.7 1003 . 776.

1 1923, as amended, the average of the salaries of the total number of