Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/142

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ca. 92. 1930 .

99 Improvement of Oregon Caves : To enable the Secretary of Agri- culture to carry into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the improvement of the Oregon Caves, in the Siskiyou National Forest," approved February 28, 1929 (45 Stat., p . 1401), including the employment of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary, fiscal year 1930, $35,000. BUR EAU OF EN TOMOL OGY Salaries and general expenses : For an additional amount for investigations of insects affecting deciduous fruits, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to meet an emergency caused by an increase in the number of the oriental fruit moth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Agricultural Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $100,000, to remain available until June 30, 1931, of which amount not to exceed $6,000 may be used f or person al services in the District of Columbia . Oregon Caves . Improve ment of . Vol.45,p.1407. Entomology Bureau . Oriental fruit moth . Emergency investi . gations of. PLANT QUARANTINE AND CONTROL ADMINISTRATION Plan t Qu arant ine and Con trol Admin is- tration . Foreign plant quarantines, and so forth : For an additional amount Enforcing f oreign for enforcement of fo reign plant quarantines, including the same plant quarantines. o bjects spec ified under this head in th e Agr icultu ral A ppropr iatio n Ac t for the fi scal year 1930, $20,000 .

Gipsy and brown- Gipsy and brown-tail moths : For an additional amount for the tail moth s . control and prevention of the spread of the gipsy and brown-tail moths, including the same objects specified under this head in the Agricultural Appropri ation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $100,000. Japanese and Asiatic beetles : For an additional amount for the b eBa lpa anese and Asiatic control and prevention of spread of the Japanese and Asiatic beetles, including the same objects specified under this head in the Agricul- tural Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $188,000 . MI SCEL LANE OUS Seed-grain loan for crop of 1930 : To enable the Secretary of Se ed- gra in Amount Agriculture to carry into effect the provisions of the joint resolu- designated storm, etc ., ti on entitled "Joint reso lution for the relief of farmers in the stor m, of 1993r0nstates,forcrop . flood, and/or drought stricken areas of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ante, p. 78 . North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Indiana, Post, p . 254. Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota, M ont ana, New Mexico, and Mi ssouri," a pproved M arch 3, 1930, inclu ding the employment of persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, printing, rent, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and for the collec- tion of moneys due the United States on account of loans made there- under, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $6,000,000, of which amount not to exceed $30 .000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia .

Insect infestations . Insect infestations : To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to combating,. on no- tion al for ests m Idaho , combat epidemics of tree-destroying insects on national forests in Montana, and Wyo . Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, including $10,000 for investigations wing . concerning the control of the spruce-bud worm, fiscal years 1930 and 1 931, $1 80,000 . SPECIAL RO AD ITEMS Forest roads and Forest roads and trails : For an additional amount for carrying tr, is 42 p. 218. out the provisions of section 23, of the Federal Highway Act, U.S.c'.,p.668. approved November 9, 1921, including the same objects specified under this head in the Agricultural Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $2,000,000 .