Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1429

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1386 Virginia approaches to Highway Bridge . Grading, etc . Porter Street NW . Sheridan Road SE . Klingle Street NW. H Street NW . W ideni ng, Massa- chusetts Avenue to Thirteenth Street . Completion. P rovi so . A ssess ment of cost on abutting property . Vol. 38, p. 524; Vol. 39, p. 716. Mo difica tion of vaults under sidewalks, etc . Ante, p. 960. Ante, p. 1197 . Grading streets, al- l eys, and roads . Su rfacing block pa ve- ments, etc . Minor changes in roadways, etc . C urbs and gutt ers, shoulders, etc . Surfacing,

resur- facing, etc ., pavements . Disbu rsement, et c . Provisos. Restricted to speci- fied improvements . Asse ssment under existing law . Priority to through thoroughfares . Condemnation . Small park areas, etc . Opening streets, etc ., under permanent high- way system . Vol.37,p.95. Four teent h St reet excepted . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Cu. 282. 1931 . Vir ginia app roach es to Hig hway Bridg e, $ 45,10 0 . For grading, including construction of necessary culverts and retaining walls, the following Northwest : P orter Stre et, Conne cticu t Av enue to Kl ingl e Roa d, $10,000 ; Southeast : Sheridan Road, Stanton Road to Nichols Avenue, $5,000 ; Northwest : Kli ngle Str eet, Mac omb Stre et to We aver Pla ce, $11,000 ; Northwest : For completing the widening to fifty-six feet and repaving the roadway of H St reet from Massachusetts Avenu e to Thirteenth Street, including necessary replacement and relocation of sewers and water mains, $58,400 : Provided, That in widening and repaving this roadway, 40 per centum of the entire cost thereof shall be assessed against and collected from the owners of the abutting property in the manner provided in the Act approved duly 1, 1914 (38 Stat ., p . 524), as amended by section 8 of the Act approved September 1, 1916 (39 Stat ., p . 716) . The owners of abutting prop- erty also shall be required to modify, at their own expense, the roofs of any vaults that may be under the sidewalk or parking on said street if it be found necessary to change such vaults to permit of the roadway being widened ; For grading streets, alleys, and roads, including construction of necessary culverts and retaining walls, $80,000 ; For surfacing block pavements and paving the unpaved center strips of paved roadways, $100,000 ; For minor changes in roadway and sidewalks on plans to be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian traffic, $10,000 ; For construction of curbs and gutters, or concrete shoulders, in connection with all forms of macadam roadways and adjustment of roadways thereto, together with resurfacing and replacing of base of such roadways where necessary, $290,000 ; For the surfacing an d resurfacing or replacement o f asphalt, granite block, or concrete pavements with the same or other approved material, $400,000 ; In all, $2,000,000, to be immediately available ; to be disbursed and accounted for as " Gasoline tax, road and street improvements," and for that purpose shall constitute one fund : Provided, That no part of such fund shall be used for the improvement of any street or section thereof not herein specified : Provided further, That assess- ments in accordance with existing law shall be made for paving and repaving roadways where such roadways are paved or repaved with funds derived from the collection of the tax on motor-vehicle fuels and accretions by repayment of assessments : Provided further, That in the performance of the street-paving work specially provided for in this Act priority shall be given to those streets which are more in the nature of through thoroughfares or arterial highways . STREET REPAIR, GRADING, AND EXTENSION Condemnation : For purchase or condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, and of areas less than 250 square feet at the intersection of streets, avenues, or roads in the District of Columbia, to be selected by the commissioners, $5,000 . To carry out the provisions of existing law which authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to open, extend, straighten, or widen any street, avenue, road, or highway, except F ourte enth Stre et ex tensi on b eyond the sout hern bound ary of Wa l- ter Reed Hospital Reservation, in accordance with the plan of the