Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1484

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SE VENT Y-FIR ST C ONGRESS . SEss . III . CH. 326. 1931.

1441 in the discretion of the President, be retired from active service and placed upon the retired list with retired pay at the rate of 21/ 2 per centum of his active-duty pay multiplied by the number of years of service for which entitled to credit in computation of his pay on the active list, not to exceed a total of 7 5 per centum of said Z roalsos. active-duty pay : Provided further, Tha t add ition al c ommis sione d, etc .dpersonnel ionl ofval , V et- -warranted, appointed, enlisted, and civilian personnel of the Medical e rans ' Ad minis trat ion Department of the Navy, required for the care of patients of the patients in naval hos- pitals . United States Veterans' Bureau in naval hospitals, may be employed in addition to the numbers appropriated for in this Act : Provided Al lowa nce of m id- i

de te . further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for chums c., p e 1147, the pay of any midshipmen whose admission subsequent to January amended. 30, 1931, would result in exceeding at any time an allowance of three midshipmen for each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in Con- gress ; of one midshipman for Porto Rico, a native of the island, appointed on nomination of the governor, and of three midshipmen from Porto Rico, appointed on nomination of the Resident Commis- sioner ; and of two midshipmen for the District of Columbia, except that nothing herein shall deny pay to or prevent the admission of Adm issions, un der any midshipman admissible within the number of appointments per- 1 931 affected . Act missible under the provisions of the Naval Appropriation Act for, the fiscal year 1931 who may enter the Naval Academy in the class enter- ing next after the approval of this Act : Provided further, That Ap pointments at large or from enlisted nothing herein shall be construed to repeal or modify in any way men not affected . existing laws relative to the appointment of midshipmen at large, fr om the e nlisted p ersonnel of the naval se rvice, o r from th e Naval Reserve : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall sea service require- m ents of appo intm ents be available for the pay of any midshipman appointed from enlisted from enlisted men . men of the Navy for admission to the Naval Academy in the class entering in the calendar year 1932 who has not served aboard a vessel of the Navy in full commission for at least nine months prior to such admission . MA INT ENA NCE ,- BUREAU OF SUPP LIES AND ACCOUNTS For equipage, supplies, and services under the cognizance of the Maintenance. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, including stationery for com- manding, executive, communication, and navigating officers of ships, boards and courts on ships, and chaplains ; accident prevention ; services of civilian employees under the cognizance of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts ; freight, express, and parcel-post charges men r t net, et c., D>epat . pertaining to the Navy Department and Naval Establishment, lishment . $10,100,000 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appro- ciemc al, etc ., serv- priation, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for ices . c hemists and for clerical, inspect ion, and messeng er servi ce in the supply and accounting departments of the navy yards, naval stations, and disbursing offices for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, shall no t exceed $3,250,0 00 . The clothing and small-stores fund shall be charged with the stClothing and small- value of all issues of clothing and small stores made to enlisted men I ssue to Naval Re- of the Naval Reserve and the uniform gratuity paid to officers of serves, from . the Naval Reserve . EVACUATION OF HIGH EXPLOSIVES, NAVY

High explosives . Toward the handling and transportation of high explosives to the ammuhor e, Nev ., n aval ammu nitio n de pot, Hawth orne , Nev ada, and other poin ts, and s hipp ing and stor - expenses incident thereto, in accordance with the primary recom- ingat. mendations contained in House Document Numbered 199, Seventieth 57894o-31-91