Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1505

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . III. CHs. 363-365 . 1931 . March 2, 1931 .

CHAP . 363.-An Act Amending section 1 of Public Resolution Numbered 89 [Pubs [S . 6No ]7ss .] Seventy-first Congress, approved June 17, 1930, entitled "Joint resolution pro- viding for the participation of the United States in the celebration of the one hundr ed and f iftieth annivers ary of t he sieg e of Yor ktown, V irginia, and the surrender of Lord Cornwallis on October 19, 1781, and authorizing an appropria- tion to be used in connection with such celebration, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Yorktown Sesqui . United States of Ame rica in Congr ess assembled , T ha t s ec ti on 1 of centennial Comm's- Public Resolution Numbered 89, Seventy-first Congress, approved Ante, pp. 333, 776, June 17, 1930, en tit le d " Joint resolution providing for the partici- 887 . pation of the United States in the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth annive rsary of the siege of Yorktow n, Virginia, and the surrender of Lord Cornwallis on October 19, 1781, and authorizing an appropriation to be used in connection with s uch celebration, and for other purposes," b e, and the s ame is hereby , amended to read as follows C ommi ssi on c on- "SECTION 1 . That the commission heretofore created pursuant to tinued . Vol . 45, pp . 2394, 2396. H . Con . Res . 43, Seventieth Congress, first session, and known as the United States Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commission, be, and the same is hereby, continued by the same name and hereinafter referred to as the commission . Term of members .

" The membership on the commission of Senators and Members of the House of Represe ntatives shall continue irres pective of their F illi ng vaca ncie s . terms a s Member s of Cong ress . Any vacan cies arising in the per- sonnel of the said commission shall be filled as follows : Any vacancies occurring among Senators shall be filled by the President of the Senate, and any vacancies occurring among Members of the House of Re presentative s before the organization of the Sevent y- second Congress shall be filled by appoi ntment b y the pre sent Speaker of the House of Representatives ." Approved, March 2, 1931 . March 106.] .

CHAP . 36 4 .-An Act To authorize the Leo N. Levi Mem orial Hospi tal [Pub lic ,No7 70 .1 Association to mortgage its property in Hot Springs National Park . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Leo N. Le vi Memo- rial Hospital Associa- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Leo N . tion .

Levi Memorial Hospital Association is hereby authorized, with the May m ortg age its property in Hot ap proval of the Secretary of th e Interior, to execute mortga ges upon springs, Ark, i ts rights in and propertie s upon lots n umbered 1, 2, 3 , and4in block numbered 114 in the- city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, and such mortgages, together with the approval of said Secretary of the Interior, may be filed for record in the office of the Secretary of the Interi or, and when so recorded shal l have all the effect of a pu blic record . Approved, March 2, 1931 . March 2, 1931.

[S .6171 .] CHAP. 365 .-An Act To regulate the prescribing and use of waters from the [Public, No . 771 .] Hot Springs National Park at Hot Springs, Arkansas, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Hot Springs National United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 369, Park, Ark . Regulations concern- title 16, United States Code, being a provision of the Sundry Civil am end ed . wat ers of, Appropriation Act approved June 5, 1920 (41 Stat . 874, 918), is amended41, p . 918, hereby amended so as to read as fol lows U.S.C.,p.411.

" The Secretary of the Int erior is hereby authorized to assess and Collection of physi . cian s' priv ilege f ees dis- collect from physicians who desire to prescribe the hot waters from continued.

the Hot Springs National Park reasonable fees for examination and