Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1510

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1467 hundredths feet, measured along the arc of said curve to a point

thence southerly along a curve concave to the west tangent at its point of beginning to said last-mentioned curve at its point of ending and having a radius of three hundred feet, a distanc e of six hundred t wen ty- six and fifty-one one -hu ndr edt hs fee t, mea sur ed alo ng the arc of said curve to a point ; thence southwesterly along a curve con- cave to the southeast tangent at its point of beginning to said last- mentioned curve at its point of ending and having a radius of one h und red tw ent y-t wo and twenty one-hundredths feet, a di sta nce of fifty-three and seven one-hundredths feet, measured along the arc of said curve to the point of beginning. That the proviso to the first section of an Act entitled "An Act Maxwell F ield, Ala . to authorize the acquisition for military purposes of land in the Ante, p. 839 . county of Montgomery, State of Alabama, for use as an addition to Maxwell Field," approved July 1, 1930, which reads as follows

certain pr escr ibe d ~,

cond ition s for acqui r . Provided, That no part of the amount authorized to be appropriated ing addition to, re. shall be expended until it has been determined to the satisfaction of moved. the Secretary of War that acquisition of all additional land required at Maxwell Field for the proper and necessary accommodation of the Air Cor ps Tac tic al Sch ool and one Air Co rps ob ser vat ion sq uad ron can be accomp lishe d by p urcha se or donati on wi thout excee ding expendi ture by the Federal Government of the amount of such a uthorization," b e and the same i s hereby repealed . Approved, March 2, 1931 . CHAP. 368 .-An Act To provide extra compensation for overtime service

(II. R March . 319 309 . ) performed by immigrant inspectors and other employees of the Immigration [Public, No . 774.1 Service . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Labor shall fix a reasonable rate of extra compen sation for over- time services of inspectors and employees of the Immigration Serv- ice who may be required to remain on duty between the hours of five o 'clock postmerid ian and eight o' clock antemeridia n, or on Sun- days or holidays, to perform duties in connection with the examina- tion and landing of passengers and crews of steamships, trains, airplanes, or other vehicles, arriving in the United States from a foreign port by water, land, or air, such rates to be fixed on a basis of one-half day's additional pay for each two hours or fraction thereof of at least one hour that the overtime extends beyond five o'clock postmeridian (but not to exceed two and one-half days' pay for the full period from five o'clock postmeridian to eight o'clock antemeridian) and two additional days' pay for Sunday and holiday duty ; in those ports where the cust omary wo rking hou rs are o ther than those heretofore mentioned, the Secretary of Labor is vested with authority to regulate the hours of immigration employees so as to agree with the prevailing working hours in said ports, but nothing con tained in this se ction shall be c onstrued in any manner to affect or alter the length of a working day for immigration employees or the overtime pay he rein fixed . SEC . 2. The said extra compensation shall be paid by the master, own er, agent, or con signee of such v essel or other c onveyance arriv- ing in the United States from a foreign port to the Secretar y of Labor, who shall pay the same to the several immigration officers and employees entitled thereto as provided in this Act . Such extra compensation shall be paid if such officers or employees have been ordered to report for duty and have so reported, whether the actual inspection or examination of passengers or crew takes place or not Immigration Service . Extra pay to inspec- tors, etc ., fo r ove rtime services at night and holidays . Rates. Prevailing hours of employment . Pay men t for ove r- time to be made by master, etc . Considered due if re- porting for duty .