Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1611

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SEVEN TY-F IRST C ONGRESS . SEss . III. CH. 522. 1931 . Schoolnstr District . Mont., Browning School District, Montana : The appropriation of $15,000 Sum from appropria- contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year L ion for Black feet Sc hool av ailable for 1932, for completing the Blackfeet Boarding School, Montana, is construction expenses hereby made available for reimbursing Browning School District Numbered 9, Glacier County, Montana, for expenditures made in the Ante, p . 3a4. extension and betterment of the public high-school building at Browning, Montana, on the Bl ackfeet Indian Reservation, u nder authorization of the Act of May 15, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 334) . Frazer, Mont .

Frazer Montana, School District Numbered 2 : For cooperation strucE onohghschoi : with School Distrit Numbered 2, Frazer, Montana, in construction Ante, p. 1106 . of a public high-school building at that place as authorized by P ublic La w, 652, Seventy-f irst Con gress, f iscal ye ars 1931 and 1932 , $25,000. P opla rstot school Poplar, Montana, School District Numbered 9 : For cooperation construction.

with School District Numbered 9, Poplar, Montana, in extension and Ante, p. 1108. betterment of the public high-school building at that place as authorized by Public Law, 657, Seventy-first Congress, fiscal years 1 931 and 1932, $5 0,000 . RSeraaanC Institute, Sherman Institute, Riverside, California : For dairy sheds, milk house and equipment, $16,000 ; for construction and repair of side- walks and curbing abutting the institute grounds, $9,000 ; in all, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $25,000 . Charles U. Burke, Charles H . Burke School Fort Wingate New Mexico : For repairs Fort Wingate, N . Me: . and improvements to heating system, including purchase and instal- lation of stokers and water-softening equipment, fiscal years 1931 a nd 1932, $30,000 . Alaska .

Education of natives of Alaska : For an additional amount for Education of natives . purchase or erection of buildings, to provide for the erection of a school building at Nome, Alaska, at a total cost of not to exceed $20,000, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $10,000 . shungnak,buildings . For an additional amount for purchase and erection of buildings, to provide for the construction of a school building and teacherage at Shungnak, Alaska, including necessary equipment, supplies, and Educ ation a nd med- freight therefor, fiscal years 1931 and 19 32, $15,000 . ical relief .

The unexpended balances of appropriations made for the fiscal Balances transferred year 1931 for education and medical relief of the natives in Alaska to Indian Affairs Bu- reau.

may be transferred from the Office of Education to the Bureau of Ante, p. 320.

Indian Affairs at such time as the Secretary of the Interior may determine . Indian

sup- Tac oma , et c' Tacoma Hospital, Washington : For improvement of water sup- ply, $21,000 ; for completing central heating plant, $6,500 ; in all, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $27,500 . ioHoppii-N avaJo, Wins- Hopi-Nav ajo Sana torium, Winslow, Arizona : For cons truct ion an d equ ipme nt of a sa nato rium, incl udin g qua rters for empl oyees , at Winslow, Arizona, on a site to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior and furnished to the United States free of cost, fiscal Chi ppe was of M in- years 1931 and 1932, $150,000 . nesota.

Support of hospitals, Chippewas of Minnesota (tribal funds) Red Lake hospital . For an additional amount for the support of the Red Lake Hospital Minnesota, including repairs, and the construction and equipment of quarters for employees, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $25,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the Red Lake Indians . General support,

Support of Indians and administration of Indian property : For Ante, p. 1137 .

an additional amount for general support of Indians and administra- tion of Indian property, including pay of employees, fiscal year 1932, Mis sion Ag ency , $75,000 . caw .

Support of Indians and administration of Indian property (tribal funds) : For an additional amount for general support of Indians