Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1613

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . CPi . 522. 1931 . Ma mmot h Cave, $5,000 ; for topographic survey of proposed Mammoth Cave National K1. Park, Kentucky, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $4,600 ; in all, not to Proviso °

exceed $84,600 : Provided, That the limitation of $390,000 upon the Limitation on gaging streams increased.

amount available only for cooperation with States and municipali- Ante, p. 311.

tie s contai ned in th e approp riation for gagi ng stream s, fisca l ye ar 1931, is hereby increased to $445,000 . Alaska mineral re- Mineral resources of Alaska : The limitation of $29,000 in the sources. Sum for personal Interior D epartment Appropr iation A ct for t he fisca l year 19 31 upon ser vices in creased . Ante, p . 311. personal services in the District of Columbia in connection with the continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of Alaska, is hereby increased to $33,000 . National Park Serv-

NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ice . Mo unt Rai nier , Mount Rainier National Park, Washington : For construction and operation of an electric power plant and distributing system at Yak- ima Park, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $71,000 . Wind Ca ve Natio nal Park , South Dakota : For a wat er- supp ly system, including the purchase of lands and/or interests in lands and/or water rights for protection thereof , fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $50,000 . Yosemite National Park, California : For an additional amount for completion of a sewage disposal system on the floor of the valley, f iscal 1931 , $32 ,500 . National Monuments : For an additional amount for a water sup- ply at Chaco Canyon National Monument, fiscal year 1931, $3,000 . Roads and trails, national parks : For an additional amount for the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of roads and trails in national parks, and monume nts, and of nat ion al- park approach roads, inclusive of necessary bridges, in accordance with the Act approved April 9, 1924, as amended by the Act of January 31, 1931 (Public Act Numbered 592, Seventy-first Congress), including National Monument approach roads, $2,500,000 to remain available until expended : Provided, That approach roads to national monu- ments shall be included within the provisions of such Act under the same conditions as approach roads to national parks, and the limita- tion therein on the amount of annual allocation of funds to national park approach roads shall be inclusive of such national monument approaches . Office of Education .

Or h ICE OF E DUCATION Wash. Wind Cave, S . Dak. Yosemite, Calif . National Monuments . Chaco Canyon . Roads, trails, etc . Vol.43,p.90. Ante, p. 1053 . U.S. C.,p.390. Proviso . Approaches to na- tional monuments in- clud ed . Ante, p . 1052. Inves tigation of land grant colleges . Vol. 45, p.1602. Alaska Railroad . Rei mburs ement . Government in the Territories. Care of insane . Virgin Islands . Temp orary gov ern- ment in. Investigation of land-grant colleges : For an additional amount for the investigation of land-grant colleges, including the same objects specified under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930, $6,365 .49 . Reimbursement of the Alaska Railroad fund : For reimbursement of the Alaska Railroad fund for expenditures made therefrom during the fiscal years 1927, 1928, 1929, and 1930 in maintaining for the Office of Education a purchasing and shipping office at Seattle, Washington, $19,104.23, or so much thereof as may be necessary . GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES Insane of Alaska : For an additional amount for care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including the same ob jects sp ecified u nder thi s head i n the In terior D epartment Appro- priation Act for the fiscal year 1931, $9,000 . Temporary government for West Indian islands : For exp enses , in cluding public pr ojects, incident to the occupati on of the Virgin Is lands an d to the executio n of the provisi ons of t he Act pr oviding