Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1655

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1612 Geographic Board . Veterans' A dm in i s- tration . Department of Agri- culture . offic e of Secre tary . Oi$ceofInformation . Lib rary . Weather Bureau . Bureau of Industry. Forest Service . SE VENT Y-FIR ST C ONGRESS . SEss. III. CH. 522. 1931 . For "American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, 1931," $560 . F or " Nati onal Museu m, pr eserv ation of co llect ions, 1931 ," $3 ,596 . For " Nation al Gallery of Art , Smithsonian Ins titution, 1931," $345. Total, Smithsonian Institution, $5,041 . UNITED ST ATES GEOGRAP HIC BOARD For " Salaries and expenses, United States Geographic Board, 1931," $100 . VET ERAN S' ADMI NIST RAT ION For " Salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau, 1931," $784,700 . DE PART MENT OF AGRIC ULTU RE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY F or " S alaries, Office of Secretary of Agricu lture, 1931," $6,90 0 . For " Compensation, Mechanical Shops and Power Plant, Depart- ment of A gricu lture , 193 1," $ 500. OFF ICE OF INFO RMA TION For " Salaries and expenses, Office of Information, 1931," $3,827 . LIBRARY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For " Salaries and expenses, Library, Department of Agriculture, 1931," $560 . OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS Experiment stations . For " Salaries and expenses, Office of Experiment Stations, 1931," $934 . WEATHER BUREAU For " Salaries and expenses, Weather Bureau, 1931," $9,680 . BUR EAU OF A NIMAL IND USTR Y Biological Survey.

For " Salaries and Expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, 1931," A gric ultu ral Eco- $6,200. nomics Bureau . Animal For " Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, 1931," $2,675. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY In- dustry. of Plant In- For " Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, 1931," $8,138. FOREST SERVICE For " Salaries and expenses, Forest Service, 1931," $54,420 . BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS For " Salaries and Expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1931," $21,130 . For " Enforcement of the United States Cotton Futures Act and United States Cotton Standards Act, 1931," $2,040 .