Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1683

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INDEX. • Xl Appropriations-Continued. 1'&&'8 California, acquisition of lands in, for military purposes, authorized_____ 857 Camp Blunt, Tenn., tablets at, to com- memorate historio events, author- ized___________________________ 802 Carlisle Barracks, Pa., construction at, a·.lthorizcd ___________________ 857,1014 Casey, John J., payment to widow oL_ 5 Census, Fifteenth, authorized, for ex- penses_________________________ 26 Central Bureau of the International Map of the ,\\rorId, annual contri- bution to, authorized_ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ 825 Appropriation for ______________ 889,1320 Chalmette, La.- Battle field study, authorized_______ 1046 Appropriation for_______________ 1610 Monument at, care of, authorized___ 489 Appropriation for ___________ 1075,1304 Cherokee Indians, tablet at New Echo- ta, former capital of, authorized __ _ Cheyenne Bottoms Migratory Bird Refuge, Kans., acquisition of site 431 authorized________ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ 579 Appropriation fOL _____________ 871,1266 Children's Tuberculosis Sanatorium, D. C ., sum authorized for, in- creased _______________________ _ 218 Chillicothe, Ohio, Industrial Reforma- tory, emergency ________________ _ 52 Chippewa Indians- Memorial to treaty signing, author- ued_________________________ 1045 Deficiency appropriation for _____ _ 1569 !' er capita payment, from tribal funds ______________________ 54,1107 Coast Guard, lifeboat purchase author- ized __________________________ _ 166 Vessel for rescue work on Lake Erie, construction authorized_ _____ _ _ 1424 Coast Guard Academy, increased for building constructions________ _ ___ 145 Colonial National Monument, Va., creation of, authorized___ __ ___ _ __ 855 Appropriation fOL________________ 1069 Commission on Public Domain, author- ued for expenscs________________ 153 Appropriation fOL___ _ _____ _______ 281 Confederate Veterans' Rcunion- Army Band attendance, Montgom- ery, Ala., authorized_ __ __ _ __ _ _ 1056 Appropriation for ___ _ __ ____ _ ___ _ 1308 Marine Band attendance, Biloxi, Miss., authorized_____________ 267 Appropriation for_______________ 488 Conservation Acts, additional for fiscal years 1931 and 1932, authorized___ 491 "Constitution," rcstoration oL __ ____ _ 140 Corinth, Miss., post office extensioll_ __ 10 Appropriations-Continued. P8.& ,e Cotton ginning invcstigations, author- ized___________________________ 248 Crow Indians, Mont., payment au- thorized to, for Custer Battle Field National Cemetery ___ _ __ _ __ __ ___ 168 Custer Battle Field National Cemetery, Mont., authorized for site________ 168 Customs dutics, study of methods of valuation for, authorized_.::~______ 761 Customs Service, authorized to meet established compensation schedulc_ 1027 Dairy CongreEs, Nint:1 International, authorized for participation ex- penses_________________________ 1020 Deficiency e,ppronriation for ___ ___ _ _ 1580 Defective delinquents, hospital for, au- thorized________________________ 272 Denmark, indemnity to, for damages to ship "Indien," authorized________ 1103 Deficiency appropriation for ____ __ _ _ 1582 District of Columbia, extension of pr.rk and playground system authorizcd_ 482 Police and fire departments, pay and allowances_____ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 1023 Drought and storm-stricken areas, ad- vances to farmers in, authorized_ 79, 1032 Appropriation for ________ 1039,1160, 12i6 Elko, Nev., authorized for Indian vil- lage aL____ ___ __ __ __ __ __ _____ 1046 Appropriation for purchase of site___ 1566 Ely, Nev., purchase of land for Indian cobny near, authori:t.~(L_________ 820 Appropriation for ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1122 Emergency construction during fiscal year1931-__________________ ___ 1030 Employmcnt Stabilization Act, emer- gency construction_ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ 1086 Federal Board for Vocational Educa- tion, authorized for rehabilitation expenses_______________________ 524 Federal Employment Stabilization Board, authorized for expenses_ ___ 1085 Deficieney appropriation for _ __ _ _ _ _ 1564 Fcderal Farm Board- Administration expenses, authorized_ 17 Revolving fur.d authorued_____ _ ___ 14 Appropriation for ________ 93,235,1033 Federal penitentiaries, construction au- thorized_______ _ __ _ ____ __ __ __ _ __ 390 Federal prisons, acquisition of sites, buildings, etc., for, autliorized____ 326 Federal Reserve, erection of branch building, Pittsburgh, Pa., author- ized___________________________ 166 Federation Interalliee Des Anciens Com- battants, expenscs of, authorized__ 775 Deficiency appropriation for __ _ __ __ 887 Fish-cultural stations, establishment, etc., authorizcd_________________ 371