Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/172

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129 For collecting the war revenue, $382 .7 7 . For collecting the internal revenue, $7,315 .91 . For refunding taxes illegally collected, $67 .04 . For refunding internal revenue collections, $4,295 . For refunding automobile and cigar taxes, $89 .13 . For enfor cement of Na rcotic and N ationa l Proh ibitio n Acts , internal revenue, $14,991 .33 . For Coast Guard, $2,878 .16 . For repairs to Coast Guard vessels, $4 .29 . For additional vessels, Coast Guard, $747 . For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $1,274 .74 . For fi eld investigat ions of public health, $2 . 1 2 . For maintenance, Hygienic Laboratory, Public Health Service, 2 cents . For preventing the spread of epidemic diseases, $80 .52 . For quarantine service, $29 .79 . For materia ls and miscella neous e xpenses , Bureau of Eng raving and Printing, $13,500 .11 . For a dditional lock-box e quipment f or public buildings , $1 . For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings . $132 .19 . For general expenses of public buildings, $1 .35 . For mechani cal equi pment f or publi c build ings, $2 66 . 8 2 . For operating force for public buildings, $202 .25 . For operating supplies for public buildings, $54 .18. For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $2 .92 . WAR DEPART MENT For military post exchanges, $10 .41 . For r egistratio n and sele ction for military service, $ 330 . 8 1 . For settlement of claims of foreign governments and their nationals, $124 .71 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army (Longevity Act of January 29, 192 7 d), $30,116 .11 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $88,660.79 . For pay of the Army, $8,831 .94 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army (estates of deceased soldiers), $7,845 .54 . For p ay, and so forth, of the Army, war with Spain, $2 84 .12 . For extra pay to officers and men who served in the Mexican War (A rmy), $21 . For pay to volunteers, Mexican War, $21 . For arrears of pay, bounty, and so forth, $537 .41 . For mileage to officers and contract surgeons, $229 .46 . For mileage of the Army, $115 .50 . For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $72,776 .48 . For increase of compensation, War Department, $7,707 .7 6. For A rmy tra nsportat ion, $1 0,233 .7 3 . For ba rracks and quarters, $5,313 . 6 2 . For clothing and equipage, $450 .95 . For g eneral appropri ations, Quarte rmaster Corps, $5,682 .50 . For horses for Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, and so forth, $61 .47. For Infantry school, Fort Benning, Georgia, $211 .86 . For replacing water and sewers at military posts, $94 .38 . For subsistence of the Army, $1,804 .45 . For in cidental e xpenses of the Army , $151 .86 . For regular supplies of the Army, $80 .28 . For replacing regular supplies of the Army, $200. 57894 • -31-9 War Department . Vol. 44, p . 1054.