Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1738

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lxvi INDEX. Ellis Island, N. Y .: P&ee Appropriation for ferryboat repairs_ 216, 1353 Deficiency appropriation for immigra- tion station, remodeling, etc______ _ 883 Immigration Service hospitals at, a vaila- ble for Public Health Service patients____________________ 347,1228 Ellsworth, Lincoln, medal for, appro- priation continued available________ 118 Ellwood City, Pa., appropriation for public building aL______________________ 1592 Ely, Nev.: Appropriation for- Land, etc., for use of Indians__ ______ 1122 Public building aL_______ __________ 1592 Indian colony near, land purchase for, authorized_____________________ 820 Embassies. See Foreign Service. Embossing Materials,dutyon ________ 627,671 Embroidery Machines, duty on_________ 625 Emergencies, importations when Presi- dent declares, to exist______________ 696 Emergency Adjusted Compensation Act, 1931. See Adjusted Service Certifi- cates. Emergency Boards, unexpended balances reappropriated for expenses oL ___ 231, 1357 Emergency Construction: Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department oL________ 1031 Forest Service, improvement of National forests___ __________ 1031 Interior Department____________ - __ 1031 National Park Service, roads and trails _____________________ _ 1031 War Department__________________ 1031 Engineer Corps, rivers and harbors, flood controL_______________ 1032 Deficiency appropriation for- Agriculture, DepartmentoL________ 1068 InteriorDepartment___________ 1068, 1070 Navy DepartmenL_______ ____ _____ 1072 Treasury DepartmenL _____________ 1074 War Department__________________ 1074 Acceleration directed to prevent unem- ployment_______________________ 1086 Emergency Rescue Fund, balance for expenditure in flood control work, Mississippi River_____ __________ __ _ 787 Emery: Duty on, and manufactures oL_______ 661 On free list, ore_____________________ 677 Emeryville, Calif., preliminary examina- tion of harbor to be made at________ 943 Eminent Domain. public building sites, regulations governing acquisition oL _ 1421 Emlenton, Pa., bridge authorized across Allegheny RiveraL___________ ____ _ 1457 Employees' Compensation Commission. See Independent Offices. Employees' Compensation Fund: Pa&"e Appropriation for ___________ 233,1359,1380 Appropriation to supply deficiency, fiscal year 1930 ________________ _ Employment Service. See Labor, De- partment of. Employment Stabilization Act of 1931 : 488 Definition of terms used_ _____________ 1084 Construction agencies designated _____ _ Federal Employment Stabilization Board _________________________ _ Composition, duties, reports _______ _ Appointment of director, personneL_ Salaries _______________________ _ Public works emergency appropriation_ Recommendations to Congress _____ _ Expenditure oL __________________ _ Emergency construction_____________ _ Purpose _________________________ _ Advance planning__________________ _ Estimates of construction agencies ___ _ Organization and emergency program preparation____________________ _ Acquisition of sites_________________ _ Consolidation plans to be reported to PresidenL __________________ _ Recommendations ________________ _ Collection of in!ormation by board ____ _ Employment System, Cooperative Na- 1085 1085 1085 1085 1085 1086 1086 1086 1086 1086 1086 1087 1087 1087 1087 1087 1087 tional, deficiency appropriation for __ 1575, Enamels, duty on ____________________ 599, 608 Endicott, N. Y ., appropriation for public building at_______________________ 1592 Enfieurage Greases, on free list_________ 677 Engineer Corps, Army. See also War Department; Chief of Engineers. Removal of temporary obstructions, etc., on tributaries to improve- ments, preliminary to examinations, authorized ____________________ _ Rivers and harbors, construction, pre- 946 servation, examination, etc______ 949 Engineering Bureau, Navy. See also Navy Department. Naval supply account, transfer of sums from___________________________ 563 Engineering Experimental Station, Annap- olis, Md., appropriation for mainte- nance _________________________ 563,1437 Engines, duty on___ __ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ 625 Englewood, N. J ., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 1592 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of. See also Treasury Department. Checks, drafts, etc.~ number in- creased _____________________ 890,1584 Printing and binding estimates to be incorporated in s~ngle items in BUdget, with exception oL_______ 520 Use of proceeds from work, by_________ 345