Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1755

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INDEX. lxxxiii Gilliss, LL James Melville: Ps&,e Bronze bust of, authorized tv be pre- sented to Chilean National Ob- servatory______________________ 527 Deficiency appropriation for________ 883 Gimlets, duty on, and bits_____________ 629 Gimps, laces, duty on_________________ 665 Ginger: Duty on ale, beer___________________ 640 !toot____________________________ 638 On free list, rooL ___________________ 681 Gins, cotton, on free lisL___ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ 672 Girders, duty on______________________ 612 Girdle-Corsets, duty ron._. ___ ____ _____ _ 666 Glacier National Park, Mont.: Appropriation for- AdministratioIl ___________ 314, l150, 1324 Forest tires, additional amount for fighting______________________ 105 !toad repairs from Park Station through Blackfeet Indian !tes- ervation __________________ 319, l15IJ Homes or cottages within, permits for erection, etc., denied_________ .. ___ 1043 !tevepues from leases, etc., U. S. C ., title 16, se~. 180, repealed____ __ ___ 1028 Telephone line, unexpended balance available for_____ __ __ ____ ____ __ _ 878 Glass: Appropriation for investigat~on of optI- cal, etc ______________________ 201, 1338 Duty on- Chandeliers, globes_ ____ ______ _____ 605 Colors___________________________ 608 Figured, fluted______ _____ ___ ______ 606 Kitchen articles, not specially pro- vided for __________________ 605,606 Mirrors, not specially provided for _ _ 608 !tetorts__________________________ 604 Table ariicles, not specially provided for _________________________ _ Tiles____________________________ _ Glauber Salt, duty on ________________ _ Glazes, duty on _____________________ _ Glazier's Supplies: Dutyon __________________________ _ On free list________________________ _ Glen Arbor, Mich., preliminary examina- tion of harbor to be made _________ _ Glen Cove, N. Y., appropriation for public building at________________ _ Glen Haven, Mich., preliminary exami- nation of harbor, to be made ______ _ Glendale, Calif., appropriation for public building at ______________________ _ Gloria Cloth, duty on_________________ _ Gloucester, Mass.: Appropriation for public building ?t__ Preliminary examination of harbor, to be made ______________________ _ 57894°-31--108 606 608 601 608 628 677 942 1593 942 1593 651 351 934 I Glover, George H., bridge authori"ed P"& ,e ~cross Flanders Bay, by .__________ 147 Gloves, duty on______________________ 643, 649,651,652,~58,666,667 Glue: Duty on, not specially provided for _ . _ 597 Size, not specially provided for _ _ ___ 597 On free fist, stock, not specially pro- vided for_______________________ 678 Glyc€.in, duty on_____________________ 597 GlycerGphosphoric Acid, duty on________ 592 Glycols, duty on______________________ 590 Glynn, James P., paxment to widow oL_ 91 Goat-Hair Cloth, duty on, not specially provided for __ _____________ ______ _ 663 Goats: IJutyon___________________________ 632 Meat____________________________ 632 Gobelin Tapestries, on free list_ _ __ __ ___ 685 Godafredo Arrieta A., instruction of, at West PoinL _______ . _ ____ ____ ____ _ 89 Goggles. Juty on_____________________ 607 Gold: Duty on- Compouw:w, I"alts: etc______________ 592 Japan__ .. ______ ________________ ___ 600 Jewelry_____ __ _____________ ____ __ 664 Leai, lacquers ___________________ 627,629 On {ree list- Bullion, coin ____________________ 675,676 Ores, sweepings___________________ 680 Coins, coinage of two-and-one -half- dollar pieces discontinued________ 154 Goldbeaters' Molds, on free list. _ _ _ __ _ _ 678 Golf Balls: Duty on___________________________ 558 Tees____________________________ 658 Gomez, Guillermo, instruction of, at West Point______________________ 00 Goodsell, Elisha N., time extended for bridging Lake Champlain, by_______ 248 Gooseberry Cuttings, etc., duty on_____ 636 Gophers, lO-year cooper&tive plan for suppression of.__ ____ _____ ____ ____ 1468 Gordon Junior High School. D . C ., appropriation for addition to ____ 969, 1393 Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, appropriu- tion for contribution ___________ 184,1319 Gouges, duty on______________________ 629 Government Employees: Hours of work for, on Saturdays_____ . 1482 Pay, not to be withheld upon removal of, for cause___________________ 1415 Payment to, for March 4, 1929_______ 826 !tetirementof. __ _____ ___ __________ _ 468 Travel expenses ___________. ___ __ __ __ 1103 Uniform retirement date for__________ 25.3 Government in the Territories. See lnterior Department.