Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1760

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lxxxviii INDEX. Harrisonburg, Va., terms of court at___ _ Harrodsburg, Ky.: Appropriation for public building at __ Deficiency appropriation for monu- ment to first permanent settle- ment of the West ______________ _ Harrows, on free list _________________ _ Hart, Dice, and Carlson, payment to, for stenographic reporting of wood pulp hearings ________________________ _ Hart, Nancy: Deficiency appropriation for tablet or marker in commemoration oL ___ _ Memorial, erection of, by Federal authorities substituted for Daugh- ters of American Revo}11tion _____ _ Sum authorized__________________ . Hartford, Ala., bridge across Choctaw- hatchee River at, legalized ________ _ Hartford, Conn., 3ppropriation for public building at______________________ _ Hartsville, S. C ., appropriation for public buildingat______________________ _ Harvest Hats, duty on _______________ _ Harvesters, on free list _______________ _ Harvey, m., appropriation ff)r public buildin6 at______________________ _ Hash, duty on_______________________ _ Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans., ap- propriation for education of In- Page 56 351 1610 672 92 1609 1173 1173 74 351 351 659 672 897 638 dians ____________________ 295, 1131, 1615 Haslock Wool, duty on________________ 646 Hassocks, duty on____________________ 650 Hastings, Mii'n., time exterded for bridging Mississippi River, aL __ 255,1457 Hatbox Field, Muskogee, Okla., Army operations building, construction aL_ 1014 Hatch Act, appropriation for extending benefits of, to Alaska_____________ 397 Hatchie River, Tenn.: Bridge authorized across, at Bolivar, Tenn__________________________ 147 Preliminary examination of, to be made 941 Hatpins, duty on_____________________ 618 Hats, duty on __________________ 649,658,664 Hatters' Furs, duty on________________ 663 Hatters' Irons, duty on________________ 615 Hattiesburg, Miss., appropriation for public building aL________________ 1594 Havana, m., appropriation for public building at_______________________ 1594 Havasupai Hospital, Ariz., appropriation for health conservation among In- dians ____ .. ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ _ 299, ':'135 Haverhill, Mass., appropriation for pub- lic building at____________________ 351 Page Havre, Mont., appropriation for public bnilding aL ___________________ 351,1594 Hawaii: Appropriation for-- Agricultu!"al experiment stations_ 396, 1245 Agricultural extension worL _______ 1246 Contingent expenses_____ _ __ ______ _ 1158 Distinctive mail equipment for _ _ ___ 364 District courts in_ _ ___ ___________ _ 190 Ethnological research among natives_ 241 Extending benefits of certain acts to_ 390 Governor and secretary, salaries_ ___ 1158 Hydrographic Office expenses_______ 1453 Immigrant station aL_____________ 1594 Judges_______________________ 1323,1325 Travel expenses, etc., oL _ _ ____ __ 1326 National park administration __ 1151, 1324 Postal equipment for use in_ _______ 1241 Territorial courts, salaries_ _________ 189 Vocational education in_________ 234,1360 Volcanologic surveys, etc _ _ _ _ ______ 1147 Deficiency appropriation for-- Legislative expenscs_ ______________ 1070 Naval ammunition depot- _ ________ 1576 Electric franchise approved in- Hawaii County___________________ 158 Kauai County____________________ 161 Fisheries survey, to be made_________ 373 Franchise, to women, U. S. C., title 48, sec. 618, repealed_ ______________ 1029 Legislature of, compensation of mem- bers___________________________ 823 Pearl Harbor privately owned fishery rights to be appraised __________ _ Preliminary examination of coast of, to be madc __________________ -____ 945 Rentals of public property of U. S. in, to be covered into treasury oC _ _ _ 789 Road construction, appropriation au- thor~ed for____________________ 1415 Schofield Barracks, construction at___ 1014 Taxation, etc., Federal Constitution and laws applicable thereto _ _ _ _ __ 1oo Territorial salaries, etc., not subject to Federal income tax______________ 161 Voters for representatives, qualilica- tions oL_______________________ 818 Wheeler Field, construction at________ 1013 Hawaii National Park: Appropriation for administration____ 314, 880 Jurisdiction over, exercised :Jy United States_________________________ 227 Applicatioil of Federal laws_ _ ______ 227 Hunting, etc., in, prohibited__________ 227 Possession of dead bodies of wild animals deemed evidence of viola- tiOD___________________________ 227