Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1762

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xc INDEX. Hides. I>uty on __________________________ _ Not specially provided fOL _______ _ On fre3list, and cuttings____________ _ High Bridge, Ky., bridge authorized across Kentucky River, aL _____________ _ High Point, N. C ., appropriation for pub- lic building at ___________________ _ Highgate Springs, Vt.: Appropriation for public building aL __ Inspection-stations- Acquisition of new site for, and con- struction of, authorized at ____ _ Appropriation made available for purchase of buildings for, or construction at __________ - ___ _ Sale of present site for, 8.11thorized ~t _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ _ Highland, III., appropriation for public building at____________ - __ - __ - - - -- Highlands, N. Y ., West Point improve- ments not to affect water supply of __ Highwar) connecting United States, British Columbia, Yukon Territory and Alaska, study of, authorized___ _ I>eficiency appropriation for ________ _ Highway Bridge, D. C ., remov~l of spans of, for Memorial Highway to Mount Yernon, Va__________________ - ___ _ Hill, John Philip, deficiency appropria- tion for contested election expenses __ Hillsboro, Ill.: Appropriation for pubHc building aL_ I>elivery of trophy gun to Hubbel Relief Corps, authorized _____ - __ _ Hilo, Hawaii, preliminary examination of harbor to be made _______________ _ Hine Junior High School, D. C ., appro- priation for construction, etc_ - - - -_ Hingham, Mass.: Appropriation for naval ammunition depot, improvement____________ _ I>eficiency appropriation for construc- tion at ________________________ _ Hinton, W. Va., bridge authorized across Psge 666 681 678 779 897 351 898 120 898 1594 14!H 335 1580

39 1 861 1594 1028 945 1395 1444 1072 New River, aL___________________ 1500 msted, Syl F., bridge authorized across Mississippi River, at New Boston, Ill., by __________________________ 1503 Hobart, Okla., appropriation for public building at_______________________ 1594 Hobnails, duty on_ ____ __ __ ____ __ __ __ _ 616 Hoboken, N. J .: Appropriation for public building aL 351, 897 Shipping Board may sell certain prop- erty in_________________________ 219 Hobucken, N. C., parcel of land near, set aside for lighthouse purposes_ ______ _ 948 Hocking River, Ohio, preliminary exami- nation of, to be made___________ 942,1423 Hodgenville, Larue County. Ky., appro- Ps&,e priation for Lincoln Birthplace Me- morial preservation, etc., of _____ 461, 1305 Hoes, duty on________________________ 626 Hofl'mans Island, New York Harbor, de- lousing station construction, reim- bursement of New York for________ 837 Hog Cholera, appropriation for study _ 402, 1251 Hog Island, Va., preliminary examination to be made of channel to the Great Machipongo Inlet from ___________ _ Hogback Irrigation Project, N. Mex.: Appropriation for improvement, etc __ Irrigation project, improvement, etc __ Hogs, duty on _______________________ _ Hogsheads, duty on __________________ _ Holabird Military Reservation, Md., right of way granted Baltimore for street 936 1128 292 632 630 purposes_________________________ 824 Holders, duty on ___________________ 664,671 Holidays: July 5, 1930, declared, in I>istrict of Columbia______________________ 849 Saturday work hours for certain Gov- ernment employees______________ 1482 For postal employeeB-_____________ 1164 Holland Harbor, Mich., improvement of, authorized_______________________ 929 Hollow Drill Steel, duty on____________ 611 Hollow Ware: I>uty on___________________________ 615 Not specially provided for _ ____ _____ _ 616 Hollywood Harbor, Fla., maintenance, etc., authorized___________________ 924 Holston River, Tenn.: Bridge authorized across, at- McBees Ferry____________________ fi2 Ruggles Ferry____________________ 148 Holton, Kans., appropriation for public building aL______________________ 1594 Home Economics, appropriation for voca- tional education in________________ 234 Home Economics, Bureau of. See Agri- culture, I>epartment of. Homestead Lands: Appropriation for selection, etc., na- tional forests____________________ 1258 Military service in Indian Wars equiva- lent to residence and cultivation__ 144 Preferred rights on, to honorably dis- charged soldiers, sailors, and ma- rines____ __ ____ ________ ______ ___ 580 State taxation oL____ ______ __ ____ ___ 581 Honduras: Appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to _____________________ 175,1310 Vincente Mejia and Antonio Inestrozo, citizens of, to receive instruction at West PoinL_________________ 89 Hones, on free list.__ _____ _____ _____ __ 678