Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1767

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INDEX. xcv Independent Offices Appropriation Aet- Pa&,e Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Executive Office-Continued. Contingent expenses __________ 229,1355 Executive Mansion and green- houses __________________ 230,1355 Oil lands in former naval reserves, protection of interests of United States under direction of PresidenL_______________ 1355 Portrait of President Warren G. lIarding _________ . __ __ _ __ __ 1066 Salaries, secretaries to the Presi- denL ___________________ 229,1355 Travelexpenses______________ 230,1355 Federal Board for Vocational Educa- tion ______________________ 234,1359 Agriculture, vo:)ational education in __________________ . _ __ 234, 1360 Hawaii, vocational education ex- tended to _______________ 234,1360 Rehabilitation of disabled in Di,>- trict of Columbia ________ 234,1360 Federal Farm Board ___________ 235,1361 Agricultural Marketing Act ex- penses __________________ 235, 1361 Special services_ _____________ 235, 1361 Federal Oil Conservation Board __ 235, 1362 Federal Power Commission ______ 235, 1362 Federal Radio Commission ___ 63,236, 1362 Federal Trade Commission ______ 236,1362 Fine Arts, Corr.mission oL ______ 233,1359 General Accounting Office _______ 236,1363 Printing and binding, decisions of Comptroller GeneraL __ 237, 1363 General Supply Committee- Public warehouse site and build- ing________________________ 1368 Salaries and expenses_ ___________ 1219 Supplies, transfer, etc., oL_______ 1219 Typewriters, etc., restrictions_____ 1219 Geographic J3os.rd----- _________ 243, 1371 George Rogel·s Clark Sesquicenten- nial Commission _____________ _ Memorial construction__________ _ Participation expenses__________ _ Unexpended balance reappropri- 1363 1363 1363 ated_______________________ 1363 George Washington Bicentennial Commission_ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ 1363 Accounts and vouchers to General Accounting Office for audiL __ 1364 Personal Services_ _ ________ ____ _ 1363 Plans, completion oL____________ 1363 Housing Corporation___________ 237,1364 Collections, realty salcs_ ______ 237, 1364 Industrial Housing and Transpor- tation Bureau ___________ 237,1364 Independent Offices Appropriation Act- Pa&'6 Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Housing Corporation-Continued. Maintenance, unsold property _ 237, 1364 Officer of Labor Department to act as president of ~ew York and Pennsylvania corporations_ _ _ 1364 Salaries; restriction___________ 237, 1364 Interstate Commerce Commission 237,1364 Carriers, property valuation __ 237, 1366 Commerce, regulating________ 238,1365 Locomotive inspection_ _______ 238, 1365 Signal safety systems _________ 238,1365 Merchant Fleet Corpuration_____ 244,1371 Foreign fucl oil, pur:)hase restric- tion_______________________ 1373 Purchase, etc., articles, the grov. -1;h, etc., of United States________ 1373 Research, experiments________ 244,1372 Motor vehicles, allowances_________ 1376 Mount Rm:hmore Memorial Commis- ~on ______________________ 23~ 1366 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics _____________ 239, 1366 Langley Memorial Laboratory, maintenance __ _ _________ 239, 1366 National Capital Park and Planning Commission_ ____________ 986, 1367 George Washington Memorial Parkway, l~+,-.:: ____________ 483,1367 National Museum. __ __ __ _ __ __ __ 242,1369 Cases, etc., for exhibition of collec- tions ___________________ 242,1369 Manuscript, etc., preparation __ 242, 1370 National Gallery of Art _______ 242,1370 Gellatly art collection ______ 242,1370 Personnel Classification Board______ 1367 Porto Rico Hurricane Relief Commis- ~on ______________________ 24~ 1367 PresidenL ____________________ 229,1355 Public Buildings and Parks_ __ __ 240, 1367 Abraham LinCOln, care of house where died ______________ 240,1368 Lincoln Memorial, care oL ____ 240,1368 Mall, construction of roads in_ ____ 1368 Public warehouse site and building_ 1368 Washington Monument, care oL__ 240, 1368 Public Buildings Commission____ 241, 1368 Expenses transferring departments, etc_____________________ 241, 1368 Shipping Board________________ 243,1371 Construction-loan fund__________ 1373 Immigrl\nts, transportation ____ 243, 1371 Merchant Fleet Corporation_ __ 244, 1371 Payment of judgments rendered against____________________ 7 Shipping fund _______________ 244 .1371