Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1772

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c INDEX. Interior Department-Continued. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Indian Affairs, Bureau of-Contd. Boarding schools_______________ _ Coolidge Dam, Ariz., completing construction oC ___________ _ Deceased allottees, determining heirs oL __________________ _ Elko, Nev., village site _________ _ Emergency construction under___ _ Five Civilized Tribes, Okla., pro- PlUte 1615 1567 1615 1566 1070 bate attomeys______________ 1566 Flandreau, S. Dak., schooL______ 1069 Health conservation__________ 104,1615 Hospitals, construction, etc______ 1568 Indian Forests, administration____ 1566 Indians, support of; administra- tion of property _______ ____ _ 1069 Industry and self-support, en- couragement oL____________ 103 Irrigation on reservations_ 103, 1567, 1615 Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians, Okla., payment to___ 1566 Leased lands, supervising mining operations on ______________ _ Liquor, etc., traffic suppression __ _ Livestock for Indian schools _____ _ Old Creasing, Minn., monument aL Osage Indians, Okla., mineral 102 1565 1567 1569 rights litigation_____________ 1569 Papago Reservation, Ariz., addi- tionalland for______________ 1566 Pine Ridge, S. Dak., schooL______ 1069 Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., compen- sation to____ ____ _______ ____ 1566 Salaries and general expenses __ 875,1615 San ndefonso Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., compensation to, for loss of lands________________ 102 Schools ________________ 104, 1567,1615 Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands, Sioux Indians, payment to___ 1566 Supplies, purchase and transpor- tation __________________ 102, 1565 Support of Indians, etc __ 104,1568, 1615 Timber preservation, etc.; sales___ 102 Uintah, White River, and Uncom- pahgre Bands of Ute Indians, Utah, payment to, for certain lands______________________ 1566 Wind River Reservation, Wyo., survey, etc., of lands in______ 102 Interest payments_ __ _____________ 1083 JUdgments, Court of Claims_ 125, 913, 1076 National Park Service______ 105,878,1069 ChaCE> Canyon National Monu- ment, water supply aL______ 1570 Colonial National Monument, Va., land acquisitions____________ 1069 Interior Department--Continued. Page Deficiency appropri&tion for-Contd. N ationEil Park Service-Continued. Mount Rainier National Park, Wash., electric power planL_ 1570 Roads and trails, construction, etc____________________ 1069, 1570 Wind Cave National Park, S. Dak., water supply system________ 1570 Yosemite National Park, Calif., sewage disposal system______ 1570 Pension Bureau____ __ ___ ________ 105, 875 Contingent expenses_____________ 875 Pensions cases, investigation of __ 105 Sweeney, Sarah A., payment to___ 105 Printing and binding ___________ 281,1565 Reclamation Bureau _______ 105,877,1069 Boulder Canyon project, construc- tion, etc __________________ _ Investigations, cooperative and general ___________________ _ Milk River Project, Mont ______ _ North Platte Project, Nebr.- Wyo_ Reclamation Fund, advances to__ Secondary projects, Seminole Dam 877 105 1569 1569 1569 and Reservoir, Wyo ______ 878, 1569 Saint Elizabeths HospitaL_________ 1070 Maintenance, etc ___________ 1571, 1615 Secretary, Office of, salaries________ 1614 Sundry claims____________________ 134 Aerial photographs for Geological Sur- vey; reimbursement to War and Navy Departments for__________ 1148 Appropriation Act, 1932, correction in, relating to drought, etc., areas____ 1167 Arapahoe Indians, additional per capita payment to, authorized_ _________ 1060 Assistant Commissioner of Education, authorized ____________________ _ 384 Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Ariz.,established _______________ 1161 Chaco Canyon National Monument, N. Mex., exchange of lands______ 1165 Cherokee Indians, eastern band, final disposition of affairs oL_________ 1518 Chippewa Indians, per capita to, au- thorized ______________________ _ 54 Chippewas of Minnesota, per capita payment to_ _ ____ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ 1107 Crow Indians, Mont., adoption of minors ________________________ _ Competency regulations __________ _ Elko, Nev., appropriation for Indian village at- ____________________ _ Employment Stabilization Act, con- struction under________________ _ Field work appropriations available for hire of work animals, vehicles, etc___________________________ _ 1495 1495 1046 1085 1160