Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1784

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em INDEX. Labor. Department oC-Continued. Palle Deportation of aliens convicted of illegal traffic in narcotics_______________ 1171 Employment information to be fur- nished Employment Stabilization Board__________________________ 1086 Employment Stabilization Act, con- struction under_________________ 1085 Immigration Act of 1917, amend- ments, See Immigration. Act of 1924, amendments. See Im- migration. Immigration Service- Compensation for overtime services of inspectors_________________ 1467 Deportation of alien prisoners by, upon release__________________ 1469 Travel expenses of employees on change of station______________ 1205 'l'ransportation of remains of em- ployees, dying in transit, etc., to a foreign country______________ 1205 Labor Statistics Bureau, monthly publi- cation of statistics authorized_ ___ 1019 Naturalization Act of 1906, amend- ments. See Naturalization. President of housing corporations, New York and Pennsylvania, to be officer oL_ __ __ ____ __ ____ __ __ ___ 1364 Reallocation increases, appropriation transfers allowed to meet______ 218, 1354 Transfer of appropriation to Personnel Classification Board_ ___ _________ 865 Labor-Interstate Commerce Commission Building. deficiency appropriation for construction of conne~ting wing_ ___ 907 Labor Statistics, Bureau of. See Labor, Department of. Laboratory Instruments, duty on________ 620 Laborers, wages, public-building con- tracts________________ . __ ____ ____ _ 1494 Lac, on free lisL____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ _ 678 Lac du Flambeau Indians. Wis., appro- priation for support, etc., of- - __ 302, 1138 Lac du Flambeau, Wis., patent of lands to school board oL________________ 149 Lace: ])uty on, fabrlcs __________________ 658,665 Curtaino____ __ __ __ _______ _____ ___ 643 Machines____ ____________________ 625 Lacings, dut: on______________________ 642 Lacquer, duty on_______________ - - ____ _ 629 Lactarene, duty on, not specially provided fOf______________________________ 592 LactIc Acid, duty on, and anhydride____ _ 590 Lactose, duty on__________ ~ _____ - ____ _ 631 Ladino Clover Seed, duty on____________ 637 Lady Island, Wash., dike or dam con- struction acrOBB Camas Slough to_ ___ 849 Lafayette. Ind., appropriation for public Pace building at________________________ 351 Lafayette River, Va., preliminary ex- amination of, to be made___________ 935 Lafourche Parish, La.. preliminary ex- amination to be made of waterway to Lake Chien, from Intracoastal Water- way, within______________________ 940 Lagnna and Acoma Indians. N. Mex.: Appropriation for- Health conservation ____________ 299,1135 Irrigation systems____ 103,292, 1128, 1567 Lahaina Harbor, Manii, Hawaii, prelimi- nary examination of, to be made__ 945 Laird, Alma, land patent to_ ___________ 257 Lake Andes, S. Dak., appropriation- for spillway and drainage ditch____ 292, 1128 Lake Calumet, III., preliminary ex- amination of, to be made_______ ____ 942 Lake Champlain: Appropriation for survey, etc_________ 463 Time extended for bridging between Alburgh, Vt., and Rouses Point, N. Y__________________________ 248 Lake Charles Deep Water Channel. La., preliminary examination of, to be macle____________________________ 940 Lake City, Ark., bridge authorized across Saint Francis River, aL___________ 835 Lake City, Fla., appropriation for public building at____ __ __ __ __ ____ _______ 899 Lake City Harbor, Minn., preliminary examination of, to be made_________ 941 Lake Crockett, Wash., preliminary ex- amination of channel to be made_ __ 944 Lake Denmark, N. J ., appropriation for naval ammunition depot, improve- menL ________________________ 570, 1444 Lake Drummond, Va., preliminary exam- ination of locks at, to be made______ 936 Lake Erie: Coast Guard, vessel construction for rescue work, authorized__________ 1424 Preliminary examination, to be made of connecting waterway with Lake Michigan______________________ 943 Lake Forest, III., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 1595 Lake Fork, Ohio, Mohican River exam- ination, southward from, to be made 1095 Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, investiga- tion by Tariff Commission of per barrel cost of petroleum from______ 699 Lake Michigan: Coast Guard cutter authorized for service on___ _____ _____________ _ 173 Lincoln Park Commissioners granted jurisdiction over certain waters oL 1493