Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1786

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· CXlV INDEX. Latvia, appropriation for envoy extraor- Pa~e dinary, etc., to ________________ 175,1310 Lau Ye Kun, deficiency appropriation for payment to_ ____ __ __ __ ___ __ ____ __ 114 Laudan~m, duty on___________________ 598 Laurel, Md., deficiency appropriation for District Training School, water sup- ply______________________________ 1560 Laurel Root, duty on__________________ 629 Lava: Dutyon___________________________ 609 Tips____________________________ 604 On free list_________________________ 678 Lavender Oil, on free list_ __ _ __________ 680 Law Clerks, appointment of, to circuit judges___________________________ 774 Lawn Mowers, duty on________________ 625 Lawrence, H. F., deficiency appropriation for contested-election expenses______ 861 Lawrence, Kans., appropriation for pub- lic building aL___________________ 351 Lawrence, Mass., appropriation for pub- lic building at____________________ 899 Lawrenceville, m., appropriation for pub- lic building at_ ____ __ ____ __ __ ____ _ 1595 Laws, Committee on Revision, deficiency appropriation for _ _ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ 1066 Laws of the United States, applicability of, in Hawaii_____________________ 160 Lawson, William C., deficiency appropria- tion for contested-election expenses_ 8e1 ....wton, Okla., terms of court at________ 830 Le Roy, N. Y ., appropriation for public building at______________________ 899 Le Sueur County, Minn., bridge author- ized across Minnesota River, by ____ . 824 Lead: Dut.y on bullion, ore________________ 628 Compounds, not specially provided for____________________________ 597 Pencils__________________________ 670 Pigrnents________________________ 600 Leaf, metal, duty on_ __ ____ __ ____ __ ___ 626 Leases, mineral deposits, public lands, provisions as to___________________ 1523 Oil and gas deposits, under railroad rights of way __ ______ __ __ __ ____ _ 373 Unappropriated deposits, in known pro- ducing fields, lease of, authorized_ _ 1007 Wyoming oil and gas, authorized_____ 819 Leather, duty on, and welting_ _________ 666 Leather Board, duty on_ _____________ 653, 657 Leatherwood, Elmer 0., payment to widow of_________________________ 91 Leavenworth, Kans.: Appropriation for- National Home for Disabled Volun- teer Soldiers____ ____________ __ 465 Fenitentiary, maintenance, etc _ 191, 1327 Leavenworth, Kans. - Continued. Page Deficiency appropriation for- National Home for Disabled Volun- teer SOldiers _______________ 911, 1557 Penitentiary_______________ 108,881,1573 Working-capital fund, authorized for penitentiary, consolidated________ 391 Leaves: Dutyon___________________________ 661 ArtificiaL _____________________ ___ 662 On free list________ ___ __ ___ ________ 677 Lebanon, Ind., appropriation for public building at_______________________ 899 Lebanon, Mo., appropriation for public building aL______________________ 1595 Ledger Paper, duty on________________ 656 Lee County, Iowa, bridge authorized across Des Moines River, by ____ 148,1456 Lee, R. Q ., deficiency appropriation for payment to widow oL_____________ 860 Leeches, on free list___________________ 678 !.ees Ferry, Ariz., apprupriation for opera- tion and maintenance __________ 311,1147 Legal o\dviser, State Department, Office of, est&blished_ __ ____ __ ____ ______ _ 1214 Legations, United States, See Foreign Service. Legislative Branch of the Government. See also Legislative Pay Act of 1929. Appropriation for- Architect of the CbopitoL _ _ _____ 513, 1183 Bartholdi Fountain, removal to new Botanic Garden________ 515 Capitol buildings and grounds_ 513, 1183 Library of Congress building and grounds _________________ 515,1185 Supreme Court Building, continu- ing construction oL _________ 515 Botanic Garden________________ 516,1185 Heating systems installation______ 516 Poplar Point Nursery, mainte- nance,etc__________________ 516 Government Printing Office _____ 519, 1188 Office of Superintendent of Docu- ments __________________ 520, 1190 House of Representatives-- Capitol police _______________ 512,1182 Chaplain ____________________ 508, 1178 Clerk hire, Members, etc______ 511, 1181 Clerk's office ________________ 508,1178 Committee employees_ 2, 508, 1179, 1181 Committees, special and select, ex- penses oL____ _______ __ __ __ _ 2 Contingent expenses ______ 431,511,1181 Hearings, transcribing oL________ 2 Martlll, Robert C., minor son of Whitmell P., pa.ymentto____ 1 Mileage________________________ 1 Office of Doorkeeper _________ 510,1180