Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1813

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INDEX. cxli New Hampshlre-Continued. P8~e Preliminary examination to be made of coast, Rye Beach to Fox Head Point, for harbor of refuge_______ 934 White Mountain Forest, fish-cultural station established______________ 371 New Haven, Conn.: Improvement of, harbor authorized___ _ 919 Preliminary examination of, harbor to bernade_______________________ 934 New Jersey: Appropriation for national forest ad- ministration___ __ ____ __ ____ _____ 1258 Fish-cultural station in, authorized_ __ 372 New Kensington, Pa., appropriation for public building s.L ___________ .. _ 901,1598 New London, Conn.: Appropriation for-- Public building aL _____________ . 8 91, 1598 Submarine base, public works ___ 570,1445 Deficiency appropriation for con- struction____ _______ ___ _________ 1073 Preliminary examination of harbor to be made_ ___________ __ ____ __ ___ 934 New Martinsville, W. Va.: Appropriation for public building aL__ 1598 Time extended for bridging Ohio River, at_____________________ 369, 1098, 1500 NeVI Mexico: Appropriation for-- Fish-cultural station_ _ ____________ 1345 Indians, support, etc.,oL 299,301,1135, 1138 National forest administration______ 1258 Deficiency appropriation for-- Drought-stricken areas, relief oL ___ _ Plant Industry Bureau, construction, etc., under__________________ .. _ Farmers, relief of, in________________ . Fish-cultural station in, established___ . Museum of, provisional exchange of 99 1068 78 371 lAnds _________________ ._ _ _ __ __ _ 1166 Rio Grande compact signed by com- missioners for State oL _________ _ 767 San Juan River, preliminary examina- tion of, authorized______________ 1083 Stream-gaging stations, Rio Grande compact________________________ 769 Zuni Pueblo Indians, land titles to be examined_______________________ 1509 New Mexico Pueblos, appropriation for irrigation system construction, etc_ 289, 1125 "New Mexico," U. S. S .: Appropriation authorized for modern- izing_______ _______ ___ ___ ______ _ 1453 Deficiency appropriation for__________ 1577 New Orleans, Battle of, care of monu- ment commemorating______________ 489 New Orleans Industrial Canal, La., pre- liminary examination of, to be made____________________________ 940 New Orleans, La.: P~e Appropriation for-- Dispatch agency _______________ 176,1311 Hydrographic Office expenses ____ 578,1453 Mint at _______________________ 349,1230 Passport agency________________ 174, 1310 Public buildings aL_______________ 352 Steamboat inspectors at. _____ ___ 199,1335 Improvement of waterway from Mobile Bay, Ala., to, authorized________ _ Marine Band attendance, Spanish- American War Veterans' conven- tionat ________________________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Naval station dry-dock lease _________ _ "New Orleans," cruiser, silver service loaned to State museum at______ _ Time extended for bridging Missis- sippi River, at_________________ _ New Philadelphia, Ohio, appropriation for public building at_____________ _ New River: Bridge authorized across, at Hinton, W. Va________________________ _ Prince, W. Va___________________ _ New Rochelle. N. Y .• preliminary exami- nation of, harbor to be made ______ _ New York: Appropriation for-- 926 1505 1629 332 821 551 352 1500 1500 934 Canals survey, etc________________ 463 Fish-culturalsubstation____________ 1345 Delousing station in N ew York Har- bor, repayment to State_______ 837 Marine school maintenance, etc_ 558,1432 National forest administration______ 1258 Deficiency appropriation for Biological Survey Bureau, construction, etc., under__________________________ 1069 Bridge legalized, across Allegheny River near Red House________________ 163 Delaware River, at BeerstoWD______ 150 Hudson River, at Catskill__________ 501 Stillwater, N. Y _____ ______ _____ 269 Troy, N. Y_ _________ ________ __ 171 Fish-cultural substation in, to be estab- lished_______ ________ __ _______ __ 371 Fort Ontario Military Reservation, conveyance to__________________ 1460 Southern judicinl district, regulations governing summoning grand juries in.____________________________ 1417 Time extended for bridging Hudson River, at Troy, by_______________ 1054 Between Albany and Rensselaer, by _ 1054 New York Bay-Delaware River Intra- coastal Waterway. snrvey for deter- mining route of, authorized_________ 931 New York, N. Y .: Appropriation for- Assay office at_________________ 349,1230