Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1820

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cxIviii INDEX. Ozark, Ark.: PB~e Bridge across Arkansas River, at, legalized_ ____________________ __ 802 Bridge authorized across Arkansas River, at_______________________ 142 P Pablo Reservoir, Mont., appropriation for enlargement______________________ 1127 Pacific Coast, appropriation for survey __ 1342 Packers and Stockyards Act, appropria- tion for enforcement expenses______ 1252 Packing Boxes, duty Oll________________ 630 Paddings,duty OD____________________ 645 Paddy, duty OD__ _______ _______ ____ __ _ 634 Padlocks, duty on____________________ 627 Paducah, Ky., bridge authorized across Tennessee River, at_____________ __ 779 Page, William Tyler. payment to, for con- tested-elections work_ _____________ 512 Painesville, Ohio. appropriation for pub- lic building aL___________________ 1599 Paintbrush Handles, duty on___________ 630 Paintings: I>utyon_________ ~_________________ 669 On free list_ ___ __ ____ ______________ 684 Paints. duty on_______________________ 599 Paintsville, Ky., appropriation for public building at._ __ __________ __ _______ 1599 Paiute Indians. Nev., Ariz.: Appropriation for-- Employee's quarters at schooL _____ 294 Reclamation charges against land 291,1128 Support, etc., oL ______________ 301,1138 Semiannual payments for benefits re- ceived by, on Newlanu irrigation project, authorized______________ 820 Pala and Rincon IndiaD Reservations. Calif., appropriation for irrigation system construction, etc ________ 289, 1125 Palacios, Tex., preliminary examination of channel from, to be made_______ 941 Palette Knives, duty on_______________ 619 Palings, on free lisL _ _________________ 684 Palladlum. on free list__ _____ _______ ___ 678 Palm Beach, Fla., appropriation for public building at____ __ ________ _________ 902 Palm: I>uty on, kernel oiL_________ ________ 598 Manufactures oC ___________ 630, 658, 668 On free list, kernel oiL _ ___ ___ __ _____ 680 Nuts, oiL__ ___ __ __ ________ ____ ___ 679 Palmarosa Oil, on free list _____________ 680 Palmer, Mass., appropriation for public building at__ ____ ___ ___ __ _________ 902 Palmisano, Vincent L., deficiency appro- priation for contested-election ex- penses _______________________ .. __ _ 861 Palo Alto, Calif., appropriation for publie building at. ______________________ 902 Palo Verde Valley, Calif., survey author- Pare ized of, for flood protection ___ . ____ 222 Pamlico River, N. C ., improvement of, authorized_ ___ __ ________ ____ ____ _ 923 Pamlico Sound, N. C.: Preliminary examination, to be made of channel to Beaufort, N. C_ __ ___ _ 936 To Stumpy Point_________________ 936 Pampa, Tex., appropriation for public building at._ _ ___ ____ ____ __ ______ _ 1599 Pamphlets: I>utyon___________________________ e56 On free list_________________________ 675 Pan American Child Congress, Lima, Peru: Participation authorized _____________ 584 I>eficiency appropriation fOf________ 888 Pan American Commercial Conference, D. c.: Appropriation authorized to defray ex- penses_ __ ___________________ 363, 1199 Deficiency appropriation for _________ 1582 Pan American Sanitary Bureau, appro- pria.tion for contribution _______ 181,1316 Pan American Union: Appropriation for contribution __ 180, 1315 Building for, location changeu_________ 55 Panama: Appropriation for-- Envoy extraordinary, etc., to __ 175,1310 Hydrographic Office expenses______ 1453 Payment to Government oC __ 182,1317 Deficiency !\ppropriation for General Claims Commission, United States and___________________________ 1580 Bcy Mario Arosemena, a citizen of, to receive instruction at Point. 87 Panama Canal. See also War I>epart- ment. Appropriation for-- Care of troops at hospitals_ _____ 446, 1291 Coco Solo naval air station improve- ments _______ .________ _______ 571 Maintenance_____________________ 1307 Naval operating base, blocking for Balboa I>ry I>ock __________ 570,1444 Relief, etc., of American seamcn____ 1312 Seacoast defenses_ _____________ ___ 1288 Survey of Atlantic entrance_ _______ 1342 I>eficiency appropriation for payment for land at Punta Paitilla________ 888 Albrook Field, construction at. __ _ 1013, 1014 Application of Retirement Act to em- ployees of _____________________ 470 Balboll entrance, ferry, etc., to be es- tsblished aL __ ____ __ __ ____ ____ _ 388 Panama Canal Zone: Census of population, etc., of, to be taken in 1930, and every 10 years thereafter, by Governor oC _____ _ 21