Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1828

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clvi INDEX. Poplar, Mont.- Continued. Page Cooperative school construction; Indian pupils_________________________ 1108 Poplar Point Nursery: Appropriation for ms.intenance, etc_ 516, 1186 Deficiency appropriation for fence_ ____ 1066 PoppySeed Oil,dutyon_______________ 598 Population, census of, to be taken in 1930, and every 10yearsthereafter________ 21 Porcelain,dutyOIL____________________ 604 Porch Blinds, duty on_________________ 630 Pork, duty on____ __ __ ____ ____ ____ __ ___ 632 Port Alexander, Alaska, improvement of, harbor authorized_ ______ _________ _ 933 Port &len, Kauai, Hawaii, preliminary examination of, to be made_ _ ______ _ 945 Port Angeles, Wash., appropriation for public building aL _ _______________ 903 Port Aransas, Tex., improvement of, chan- 926 nel facilities, authorized_ ___________ 926 Port Arthur, Tex., time extended for bridgiI1g Lake Sabine, at_ _ _ ________ 804 Port Austin, Mich., preliminary exami- nation of harbor to be made_________ 943 Port Chester, N. Y .: Appropriation for public building at____ 1600 Improvement of, harbor authorized____ 919 Port Everglades, Fla.: Maintenance of harbor, authorized_____ 924 Preliminary examination to be made of inland waterway, Bay Mabel to headwaters of Caloosahatchee Ftiver__________________________ 938 Port Gamble, Wash., preliminary exami- nation to be made of harbor and vicinity __ _ _ _ ____________________ 944 Port Huron, Mich.: Appropriation for public building at___ 1600 Bridge authorized across Saint Clair Ftiver, at_____________________ 10,809 Terms of court aL__________________ 138 Time extended for bridging Saint Clair Ftiverat _______________________ 1458 Port Jeft"erson. N. Y .: Improvement of, harbor authorized_ ___ 920 Pier, etc., legalized._ _ __ ____ __ __ _ _ __ _ 847 Port Lavaca, Tex., preliminary examina- tion of channel, to be made_ ________ 941 Port Ludlow Harbor, Wash., preliminary ('xamination of, to be made___ ___ ___ 944 Port O'C'lnnor, Tex., preliminary exami- nation of channel, to be made_ ______ 941 p.,rt of Entry, unloading at, permitted_ __ 714 Port Orford, Oreg.: Appropriation for Coast Guard station at or near__ ____ _ _____ _________ 1226 Preliminary examination of harbor, to be made __________________ -____ 944 Port Royal, S. C., preliminary examina- tion of harbor, to be made_ _________ 937 Port Washington, Wis., preliminary ex- Page amination of harbor, to be made_ ____ 942 Portable Tools, electric, duty on_________ 618 Portal, N. Dak.: Appropriation for public building aL __ 352 Inspection station, authorized_ _ _ _ ____ 120 Porter, duty on_ _ ____ _ ___ ___________ _ 639 Porter, Stephen G., deficiency apprcpri- ation for pay to daughter of_______ 1065 Porters Ferry, Miss., dam authorized in 'I'allahatchie River at_ _____________ 1512 PorterviIJoe, Calif., appropriation for public building at ______________________ _ Portfolios, duty on ___________________ _ Portland Cement, duty on _____________ _ Portland, Me.: Appropriation for- 1600 667 602 Hydrographic Office expenses __ :.._ 578, 1453 Public building aL ______________ 352,903 SteamboatinspedorsaL _______ 199,1335 Barracka construction at, appropriation authorized_ ___ ______ __ _________ 268 Lighthouse depot site at, authorized___ 783 Preliminary examination of harbor, to be made_________ ______________ 933 Portland, Oreg.: Appropriation for-- Hydrographic office ____________ 578,1453 Public building aL_ __ __ __________ _ 353 Steamboat inspectors aL _______ 199, 1335 Porto Rican Hurricane Relief Commission: Appropriation authorized____ _ ____ ___ 57 Appropriation for ____________ 240,865, 13G7 Porto Rico: Appropriation for-- Agricultural experiment stations_ 396, 1246 District court expenses, salaries of judges, etc _______ 188,190,1323,1326 Mailequipmentfor____________ 364,1241 National forest administration __ 409, 1258 Reilef, etc., of American aeamen in_ 177, 1312 Resident Commissioner, compensa- tion, etc., oL _____________ 507,1178 Agricultural experiment stations, es- tablishment of________ __ ____ __ _ 1520 Army construction projects, limit on __ _ Deficiency appropriation for labor, etc., repairing insular roads ____ .. _____ _ Duty on coffee from ________________ _ Goods to, from United States exempt from internal revenue taxes ______ _ Hurricane relief, appropriation author- ized for ______________________ _ Organic Act, amendments, executive departments___________________ _ Executive council established _____ _ Reforestation provisions ____________ _ Rehabilitation of disabled persons in __ _ Vocational, etc., education extended to ___________________________ _ 441 861) 696 686 57 1168 1168 1516 1489 1489