Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1864

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.. CXCll INDEX. State, Department or-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Judicial-Continued. Convicts, prisons abroad for ___ 185,1320 Criminals, expenses of bringing home from foreign coun- tries____________________ 185, 1320 Passport aJSencies _______________ 174,1310 Printing and binding ___________ 174,1310 Salaries, Secretary, (:ndersecretary, and office personneL ______ _ 173, 1309 Piecework employees_ ____ ____ 173, 1309 Solicitor, salary oC _____ _____ _ _ 186, 1321 Office abolished_________________ 1214 Territorial Papers, collecting and editing ___________________ 174,1310 Deficiency appropriation for- Audited claims___ 128,132,916,1079,1626 Building, remodeling, etc ________ - - - 907 Clerks at consuIates ____________ -- - 1079 Contingent expenses____________ --- 112 International Committee on Radio Communications___________ - - - 1073 Printing and binding____________ - - - 112 Agricultural Attaches, to be attached to diplomatic missions ___________ - - - 498 Building, to be known as "Depart- ment of State Building" __________ 907 Cablegrams, expenses of, when secur- ing information for corporations, etc _____ ._ ________ __ ______ ___ 174, 1321 Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele- bration, member of, on commission to report on Government's partic- ipation _______________________ - 790 Consular Courts, transportation of prisoners convicted in_ ___________ 327 Denmark, payment of indemnity for damages to ship "Indien" __ - _- - - 11 03 Deportation of aliens convicted of illegal traffic in narcotics_____ _______ ___ ::'171 Lake of the Woods, time extended for appeals fro m Commissioner's awards________________________ 1455 Liberia, salary of minister to_________ 1040 Minor purchases, without advertis- ing_________________________ 185.1321 Poland, reimbursement of expense inci- dent to erroneous deportation_ ___ 1103 Appointment of an ambassador to, authorized___________________ 57 Reallocation increases, appropriation transfers allowed to meet _____ 218,1354 Rent restrictiqn in United States__ 186, 1321 Textile Alliance, arrangement with for paymentB______________________ 539 Transfer of appropriation to Personnel Classification Board_ __ _______ ___ 865 State Laws, Uniform, appropriation for support of National Conference of Commissioners on______________ 957,1384 State Legislation, appropriation for index Pa~e and digest oL ___ .. ______ ______ _ 517,1187 State Line Reservoir, compact to provide equitable use of Rio Grande on com- pletion oC _______________________ 771 State, War, and Navy Building, name changed to "Department of State Building"________________________ 907 Staten Island, N. Y.: Appropriation for public building at_ __ 905 Preliminary examination for breakwater off, to be made _ ________________ 935 Public buildings, transfer of lands for, autho!"ized aL__________________ 905 States: Appropriation for cooperation with, in vocational education _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ 234 Contracts with, for care of Federal prisoners_ ______________________ 325 Legislation of, appropriation for pre- paring index of _____________ 517,1187 Narcotic drugs, cooperation in sup- pression oC ____________________ 587 Property of, used by Federal service in 1917, credit for_________________ 828 Public buildings construction, amounts authorized for, extended_________ 136 Ten-year cooperative program for sup- pression of predatory animals____ 1468 Statistical Institute, International, appro- priation for contribution ________ 185,1319 Statistics or Crime, etc., Censu'! Bureau authorized to collect and publish_ _ _ 1517 Statuary: Duty on _____________________ 602,604,669 On free list______________________ 681,684 Statutes: Repeal of designated obsolete_________ 1028 Revision of Scott, Beamen index of Fed- eral, authorized_ ___ __ ____ _____ __ S85 Appropriation for_________________ 1187 Staunton River, bridges across, at Brook- neal, Va., legalized________________ 1418 Staves, on free list____________________ 684 Steam Engines, duty on, and locomotives, boilers_ __________________________ 625 Steamboat Inspection Service. See Com- merce Department. Steamer Rugs, duty on________________ 649 Steamships, fines against authorized, for delay in transporting mails_ ________ 1049 Steatite, duty on______________________ 603 Stedman, Charles M., deficiency appro- priation for pay to daughter________ 1066 Steel: Classified__________________________ 611 Duty on, not specially provided for __ 611-617 Articles composed chiefly of. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 629 Steel, Will G., appropriation for purchase from, of scrapbooks relating to Crater Lake National Park_______________ 1150