Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/206

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHs. 140-143 . 1920 .

163 national banking association under the terms of section 5200 of the P°LU44, p . 1229. Revised Statutes, as amended : P rovided, however , That nothing in Class of paper not this paragraph shall be construed to change the character or class of chang ed . paper now eligible for rediscount by Federal reserve banks ." Approved, April 12, 1930 . CHAP. 141 .-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of

[H . Apri l

R . 9 s88 .] 12,1930 . 9

.] New York to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the [Public, No . 121 .! Allegheny River at or near Red House, New York . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Allegheny River. Un ited Sta tes of Am erica in Congres s assemb led, Tha t the co nsent Now Y ork may of Congress is hereby granted to the State of New York to con- bridge, at Red House. struct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Allegheny River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Red House, Cattaraugus County, New York, Construction . S34P .'84 : in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regu- late the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906 . SEC . 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment . expressly reserved . Approved, April 12, 1930 . CHAP. 142 .-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish in the

[H.Ii. 1 1 O65 3 R 53 .] Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Commerce, (Public, No .- 122 .1a Foreign Commerce Service of the United States, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1927 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 3 of Foreign Commerc e Service . the Act approved March 3, 1927, entitled "An Act to establish in Vol . 44, p . 1395, the Bure au of Forei gn and Dome stic C ommer ce of the De partm ent ended of Commerce a Foreign Commerce Service of the United States, an d for ot her purpo ses," is hereby amended by adding thereto the following paragraph "(f) The Secretary of Commerce ma y, under su ch rules and Living quarters, etc ., to officers stationed reg ulations as he ma y prescribe, fur nish the officer s in the Foreign abroad. pp. 193 . Commerc e Service of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- merce stationed in a foreign country, without cost to them and wit hin the limits of any appropriati on made for this purpose, allow- anc es for living qua rters, heat, and light, notwiths tanding the pro- Restric Se nwaived . w i ed. vis ions of section 1 765 of the Revis ed Statutes (Uni ted States Code, 314 . U.S.C.,p.32 . title 5, section 70) : Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph Prorrises . shall apply only to those officers who are citizens of the United Citizenship required . States : Provi ded furt her, That the provisions of this paragraph ren ftee ti plicage in shall not apply to those officers who are living rent free in Govern- ment-owned buildings ." Approved, April 12, 1930 . April 12, 1930. CHAP. 143 .-Joint Resolution To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to [s.J. Res.151.1 deliver water during the irrigation season of 1930 on the Uncompahgre project, iPub. Res, No.62 .] Colorado . Whereas an economic study is now in progress on the Uncompahgre Uncompahgre recta. . project, Colorado, constructed and operated under the Act of June m Vo1 .32,p .388 Co1o . 17, 1902 (Thirty- second S tatutes a t Large, page 38 8), and A cts Preamble. ame nd ato ry th er eof or supplementary thereto, looking to the adjustment of water-right charges and the execution of a ne w, contract with the water users of that project ; and