Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/251

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SEV ENTY- FIRST CONGRESS . Snss . II . Cx. 184. 1930 . expenses, temporary labor, and not to exceed $10,000 for propaga- tion and distribution of fresh-water mussels and the necessary Fort Humphreys, expenses connected therewith, $549,000, of which amount not va., and Crawford, exceeding $20,000 shall be immediately available for construction Neb r•, stations .

and improvements of buildings at the Fort Humphreys (Virginia) Ne osho, Mo ., susili-and Crawford (Nebraska) fisheries stations . ary .

The appropriation of $35,000 for the fiscal year 1928 for a fish- vala n c Piis le. cultu ral stati on in th e State o f Oklaho ma as an auxiliar y to the fish- cultural station at Neosho, Missouri, shall continue available for such purpose during the fiscal year 1931, and not to exceed $10,000 V essels .

thereof shall be available for the purchase of land . Maintenance. Maintenance of vessels : For maintenance of vessels and launches, including purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vessels, and all other necessary expenses in connection therewith including not to exceed $1,000 for the purchase of plans and specifications for vessels or for contract personal services for the preparation thereof, and money accruing from commutation of rations and provisions on board vessels may be paid on proper vouchers to the persons having to Immediate Pribilof Islands . shipment charge of the mess of such vessels, $169,500, and $10,000 shall be immediately available for the procremet f supplies and equip- ment required for shipment to the Pribilof Islands for the service of the fiscal year 1931 . Commutation of ra- lions

Commutation of rations (not to exceed $1 per day) may be paid . to officers and crews of vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries during the fiscal year 1931 under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce . F ood fis hes in quiry, Inquiry respecting food fishes : For inquiry into the causes of the decrease of food fishes in the waters of the United States, and for investigation and experiments in respect to the aquatic animals, plants, and waters, and screening of irrigation ditches and fishways, in the interests of fish culture and the fishery industries, including maintenance, repair, improvement, equipment, and operations of biol ogica l sta tions , exp enses of t ravel and prepa ratio n of repor ts, . St atisti cal in quiry, $$13 0 1 00 0. F industries : For collection and compilation of statistics of the fishe ries and t he st udy o f the ir me thods and relat ions, and the methods of preservation and utilization of fishery products, includ- ing compensation of temporary employees, travel and preparation of reports, including temporary employees in the District of Colum- bia not to exceed $1,800, and all other necessary expenses in connec- tion therewith, including the purchase not to exceed '$1,250, and maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger- carry ing v ehicl es ne cessa ry in the condu ct of the field work of t he Sponge fisheries.

Burea u of Fishe ries, $63, 000 . Protecting. Spon ge fi sheri es : For prote cting the spong e fis herie s, in cludi ng employment of inspec tors, watch men, and te mporary ass istants, hire of boats, r ental of office a nd stora ge, care of seize d sponges and Vol . 3c pP69 o.

other property, travel and all other expenses necessary to carry out .44 the provisions of the let of August 15, 19 14 (U. S. C., title 16, sees. Alaska .

781-785), to regulate the spon ge fishe ries, $3, 100. . Seal fisheries protec- Alaska, general service : For protecting the seal fisheries of Alaska, ion, food to natives, includin g the fu rnishing of food, fuel, c lothing, and othe r necessi ties te' of life to the natives of the Pribilof Islands, of Alaska ; not exceed- ing $57,000 for construction, improvement, repair, and alteration of buildings and roads, transportation of supplies to and from the islands, expenses of travel of agents and other employees and sub- sistence while on said islands, hire and maintenance of vessels, purchase of sea otters, and for all expenses necessary to carry out