Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/26

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LI ST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESO LUTIONS . Page. General Leasing Act, repayments . An Act Authorizing the repayment of rents and royalties in excess of requirements made under leases executed in accordance with the General Leasing Act of February 25, 1920 . June 27, 1930 822 Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act To extend the ti mes for co mme nc ing and completing the con stru ctio n of a bridge across the Miss issi ppi Rive r at or near Car onde let, Missour i . June 27, 1930 822 Interstate commerce, safety locom otives, etc . An Act To ame nd an Act entitled "An Act to promote th e safety of employee s and travelers upon railroads by compell ing common carriers engaged in int erst ate comm erce to e quip their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and appurtenances thereto," approved February 17, 1911, as amended March 4, 1915, June 26, 1918, and June 7, 1924 . June 27, 1930

822 Public buildings, acceptance of sites for . An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to accept donations of sites for public buildings . June 27, 1930 823 Public buildings, West Point, Ga ., and Lanett, Ala . An Act To provide for the sale of the Government building site located on the State line dividing West Point, Georgia, and Lanett, Alabama, and for the acquisition of new sites and construction of Government buildings thereon in such cities . June 27, 1930 823 Hawaii, legislators' pay . An Act To amend section 26 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a government for the Territory of Hawaii," approved April 30, 1900, as amended . Ju ne 27,1930 823 Bridge, Minnesota River . An Act Grantin g the consent of Con gress to the State o f Minne- sota, L e Sueur County and S ibley County, in the State of Minnesota, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Minnesota River at or n ear Henderson, Minnesota . June 27,1930 824 Right of way, Holabird Reservation, Md . An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to grant a right of way for street purposes upon and across the Holabird Quartermaster Depot Military Reservation, in the State of Maryland . June 27, 1930 824 Postal Ser vice, motor -vehicle ser vice . An Act To establish additional salary grades for me - chanics' helpers in the motor-vehicle service . June 27, 1930 825 Avon, Mass ., bronze cannon . An A ct To authorize the Secretary of War to donate a bronze cannon to the town of Avon, Massachusetts . June 27, 1930 825 International Map of the World Bureau . Jo int Reso lut ion To prov ide for the ann ual con tri- bution of the United States toward the support of the Central Bureau of the Inter- national Map of the World on the Millionth Scale . June 27, 1930 825 Constitution, commission to study proposed amendments to . Joint Resolution To promote peace and to equalize the burdens and to minimize the profits of war . June 27, 1930 825 Employees, D. C ., pay for Inauguration Day, 1929. Joint Resolution For the payment of certain employees of the Un ited States Governme nt in the District o f Columbia and employees of the District of Columbia for March 4, 1929 . Ju ne 27, 1930 826 United States Submarine Memorial at Naval Academy . Joint Resolution To provide for the erection of a memorial tablet at the United States Naval Academy to commem- orate the officers and men lost in the United States submarine S-4 . June 27, 1930__ 826 Massachusetts Bay Colony, tricentennial . Joint Resolution Establishing a commission for the participation of the United States in the observance of the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, authorizing an appropriation to be utilized in connection with such observance, and for other purposes . June 27, 1930_ 827 Norway, payment . Joint Resolution Authorizing payment of the claim of the Norwegian Government for interest upon money advanced by it in connection with the protection of American interests in Russia . June 27, 1930 827 Game refuges, Ocala Forest, Fla . An Act To authorize the creatio n of game sanctuarie s or refuges within the Ocala National Forest in the State of Florida . June 28, 1930 827 Title to purchases of land by United States . An Act To amend section 355 of the Revised Statutes to permit the Attorney General to accept certificates of title in the purchase of land by the Unite d States in certain cases . June 28, 1930 828 Nati onal Guard prop erty , Wor ld Wa r . An Act To grant relief to those States which brought State -owned prope rty into the Federal serv ice in 1917 . Jun e 28, 1930 828 Army, Veterinary Corps . An Act To increase the efficiency of the Veterinary Corps of the Regular Army . June 28,1930 829 Vermont, flood-relief expenses . An Act For the relief of the State of Vermont . June 28, 1930_

829 United States courts, Oklahoma districts . An Act To amend section 101 of the Judicial Code, as amended (U. S. C., Supp. III, title 28, sec. 182). June 28, 1930 829 Jackson Barracks, La., lease. An Act To amend the Acts of March 12, 1926, and Mar ch 30, 1928, authorizing the sale of the Jackson Barracks Military Reservation, Louisiana, and for other purposes . June 28,1930 831 Memorial, Sergeant William Jasper . An Act Authorizing the appropriation of $2,500 for the erection of a marker or tablet at Jasper Spring, Chatham County, Georgia, to mark the spot where Sergeant William Jasper, a Revolutionary hero, fell . Ju ne 28, 1930 831 Army, Kelly Field, Tex ., additional land . An Act To aut horize the a cquisition o f one thousan d acres of land, more or less, for aerial bombing range purposes at Kelly Field, Texas, and in settlement of certain damage claims . June 28, 1930 832 Bridge, Patuxent River . An Act To authorize the Tidewater Toll Properties (Incorporated), its legal representatives and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Patuxe nt River, south of B urch, Calvert County , Maryland . June 30, 1930-_ :,__ 832