Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/307

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHs. 230-233 . 1930 . May 9, 1930 . [H. R.7395.1 [Public, No. 183.] Postal service . Name of post office, etc ., permitted by mailers on stamped envelopes and postal cards . May 9, 1930 . [H . R.8650 .] CHAP . 231 .-A n Act To authorize the Postmaster Ge ner al to charge for [Public, No. 184 .] services rendered in disposing of undelivered mail in those cases where it is con- sidered proper for the Postal Service to dispose of such mail by sale or to dispose of collec t-on-deliver y mail witho ut collection of the coll ect-on-deliv ery charges or for a greater or less amount than stated when mailed . Be it enacte d by the Sena te and House of Representat ives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That u nder s uch regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe, undeliverable parcels containing perishable matter may be sold and the amount realized, less a commission of 10 per centum, but in no case less than 15 cents, shall be remitted to the sender or other rightful owner . Fee charged for effect- SEC . 2 . The Postmast er General ma y charge a fee of 10 cents for o ddelivery aifl collect postal services in effecting delivery of collect-on-delivery mail upon terms differing from those originally stipulated at the time of mailing . Approved, May 9, 1930 . Postal servic e . Undeliverable par- cels of perishable mail to be sold. Proceeds, less com- missio n, to s ender . May 0, 1930.

[H. R. 8713.] [Public, No . 185.1 Wrange ll, Al aska . Lands conveyed to, for school purposes . No dis cri min ati on against native children . e CHAP . 230 .-An Act To extend to Government postal cards the provision for defacing the stamps on Government-stamped envelopes by mailers . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States of America in Congress assembled, That the Post- master General is authorized, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, to issue a permit to persons using Government-stamped enve- lopes and to persons using Government postal cards to deface the postage stamps thereon in connection with the placing on the enve- lopes and postal cards of the name of the post office and State of mailing, together with such other indicia as may be prescribed . Approved, May 9, 1930 . CHAP . 232 .-An Act Granting la nd in Wrangell, Alaska, to the t own of Wrangell, Alaska . Be it enacted b y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to convey the tract of l and de lineat ed as Unite d Stat es Sch ool R eserve Numbe red 3, containing forty-two thousand seven hundred and eighty-five and five-tenths square feet, on the plat of Wrangell town site, Alaska, approved September 12, 1917, togethe r with a Unit ed States scho ol building located thereon, to the town of Wrangell, Alaska, upon the conditions that the premises shall be used for school purposes only and that native children of Wrangell and vicinity shall receive, without discrimination, all school privileges enjoyed by other chil dren . Approved, May 9, 1930 . May 9, 1930 .

CHAP . 233.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to investigate

[H. R.8763.] and report to Congress on the advisability and practicability of establishing a [Public, No . 186.] national park to be known as the Apostle Islands National Park in the State of Wisconsin, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, directed to investigate and report to Congress as to the desirability and practicability of establishing a national park to be known as the Apostle Islands Apostle Islands National Park, Wis . Investigation and re- port as to desirability of estab lishing, autho r- ized .