Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/312

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SEVE NTY -FI RST CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHs. 249-252 . 1930 .

269 CHAP . 249.-An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia River at or near Arlington, Oregon . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia River at or near Arlington, Oregon, authorized to be bu ilt by L . L . M ontague, his hei rs, legal repres entatives, and a ssigns, by the Act of Congress approved December 15, 1928 , are hereby e xtende d one and two ye ars, respe ctivel y, fr om De cember 15, 1929 . SEC. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Ap prove d, May 13, 1930 . May 13, 1930.

[H. R . 9434.] [Public, No .196.1 Columbia River . Ti me extended for b ridgi ng, at Ar lingt on, Oreg . Vol . 45, p. 1022, amended . Post, p . 1098 . Am endment . May 13, 1930 . CHAP. 250.-An Act To authorize the Commissioners of the District 'of [H . R .9758.1 Columbia to close certain portions of streets and alleys for public-school purposes . [Pubhc, No. 197.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Ho use of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at the Commis- sione rs of the Di stri ct of Co lumb ia are hereby a utho rize d and directed to close all the alleys in square 1107, and all the alleys in that part of square 1093 lying east of Seventeenth Place

to close

Eighte enth Stree t nort heast for its full width between the north line of B Str eet and the sout h li ne of C Str eet ; and to cl ose Eighteenth Place northeast between the north line of B Street and the south line of C Street the title to the land abutting on said alleys and streets to be closed being in the District of Columbia Provid ed, That the title to the land lying within the alleys and streets hereby closed shall revert to the District of Columbia for public-s chool pu rposes . Approved, May 13, 1930 . District of Columbia . Closi ng of des ignat ed alloys and streets in, authorized . Descr ipti on . Proviso . Land to revert for school purposes . May 13, 1930. [H. R.10258.1 [Public, No. 198.] CHAP. 251 .-An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing th e cons tructio n of a bridge across the Oh io Riv er at o r near Cannel ton, In diana . Be it en acted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times for

e Tme xt end ed for commencing and completing the construction of the bridge across bridg ing, at C annel ton, the Ohio River a t or nea r Cannel ton, Ind iana, aut horized to be bu ilt Vol 45

1431, by the Ha wesv ille and Can nelt on Bridge Co mpa ny, by the Act of a Postt, p . 1174. Cong res s a ppr oved Ma rch 1, 1929 , are hereby extended one and three years, respectively, from March 1, 1930 . SEC. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment . expressl y reserv ed . Ap prov ed, May 13, 1930 . May 13, 1930 . CHAP . 252.-An Act To legalize a bridge across the Hudson River at Still- [H . R . 11046.1 water, New York .

[Public, No . 199.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unite d Sta tes of America in Congress assembled, That the bridge Hudson Bridge eac River . R rossatStill- now being reconstructed across the Hudson River at Stillwater, water, N . Y., legalized. New York, by the State of New York, if completed in accordance wi th plans accepted by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War, as providing suitable facilities for navigation, and operated as a free bridge, shall be a lawful structure, and shall be subject to