Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/341

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 273. 1930 . Educating children Indians in Oklahoma : Provided, That the expenditure of said money fromr trust fund . na'

shall include the renewal of the present contract with the Saint Louis Saint Louis Mission Mission boarding school, except that there shall not be expended boarding school .

more than $240 for annual support and education of any one pupil . Fi ve Civilized For aid to the common schools in the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Tribes, and Quapaws . coon scho ols . Chickasaw , and Semi nole Natio ns and the Quapaw Ag ency in Oklahoma, $350,000, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by Provisos •

him : Provided That this appropriation shall not be subject to the Parentage limitation

I not applicable .

limitation in section 1 of the Act of May 25, 1918 (U . S. C ., title 25, Vol.40,p.564. U. s. c., p. 4sa.

sec . 297), limiting the expenditure of money to educate children of Printin g school pa' less than one- fourth Indian blood : Prov ided furthe r, That not to per .

exceed $1,800 of this appropriation may be expended in the printing and issuance of a paper devoted to Indian education, which paper Payment t o truant offi cers . shall be printed at an Indian school : And provided further, That of the above amount not to exceed the sum of $10,000 may be expended under rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior, in part payment of truancy officers in any county or two or more contiguous counties where there are five hundred or bl odIndian ~ communi- more Indian children eligible to attend school, and the additional ties • sum of not to exceed the sum of $10,000 may be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior for the payment of salaries of teachers in special Indian day schools in full-blood Indian communities where there are not adequate white day schools available for their attendance . Sioux Indians .

For support

maintenance of da and industrial schools among Day and industrial


y schools .

the Sioux

, including the erection and repairs of school vol . 1s, p. 254. buildings, in accordance with the provisions of article 5 of the agreement made and entered into September 26, 1876, and ratified February 28, 1877 (19 Stat ., p . 254), $375,500 . C IIntahand Duchesne For aid of the public schools in Uintah and Duchesne County Aid to school dis- school districts, Utah, $6,000, to be paid from the tribal funds of tracts .

the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians and to be expended under such rules and regulations, as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Proviso Equalit . y with white the Interior : Provided That Indian children shall at all times be children,

admitted to such schools on an entire equality with white children . Conservation of h ealth . CON SER VATI ON OF HEALTH Expenses designated . For conservation of health among Indians (except at boarding schools supported from specific appropriations, other than those name d he rein ), i nclu ding equ ipme nt, mate rial s, a nd s uppl ies ; repairs and improvements to buildings and plants ; compensation and trav- eling expenses of officers and employees and renting of quarters for them when necessary ; transportation of patients and attendants to and from hospitals and sanatoria ; returning to their former homes Suppressing tracho- ma, etc. and interring the remains of deceased patients ; and not exceeding $1,000 for cir culars and pa mphlets for u se in preventi ng and sup- pressing trachoma and other contagious and infectious diseases, oraibi sanatorium, $3,073,000, and in addition thereto the appropriation of $65,000 for Reappropriation for . the construction of the Oraibi Sanatorium, Arizona, contained in Vol. 45, p. 1582.

the In terior Depar tment Appro priati on Act for the fi scal y ear Allotments to speci- 1930, is reappropriated and made available, including not to exceed fi fiedahospitals and San- the sum of $2,008,000 for the following-named hospitals and sanatoria Arizona. Arizona : Indian Oasis Hospital, $21,500 ; Kayenta Tuberculosis Sanatorium, $40,000 ; Fort Defiance Sanatorium, $80,000 ; Phoenix Sanatorium, $68 000 ; for boys' building, $25,000 ; for nurses' home, $10,000 ; in all, 103,000 ; Pima Hospital, $21,000 ; Truxton Canyon Hospital, $8,000 ; Western Navajo Hospital, $32,000 ; Chin Lee