Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/380

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b SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. C1 3. 289 . 1930 .

337 one passenger automobile for the Secretary of the Treasury, all to e used for official purposes only ; file holders and cases ; fuel, oils, Fuel, etc I grease, and heating supplies and equipment ; gas and electricity Lighting, etc . for lighting, heating, and power purposes, including materials, fix- tures, and equipment therefor ; purchase, exchange, and repair of Typewriters, etc. typewriters and labor-saving machines and equipment and supplies for same ; flo or cover ings and repairs thereto ; fur nitu re and off ice Furniture, etc , equipment, including supplies therefor and repairs thereto ; awn- ings, window shades, and fixtures ; cleaning supplies and equipment ; drafting equipment ; ammonia for ice plant ; flags ; hand trucks, ladders, miscellaneous hardware ; street-car fares not exceeding $37 5 ; thermometers ; lavatory equipment and supplies ; tools and sharpen- ing same ; laundry service ; removal of rubbish, postage, and other absolutely necessary articles, supplies, and equipment not otherwise p oriso . provided for, $200,000 : Provided, That the appropriations for public avO sthere appropriations debt service, Internal Revenue Service, and Bureau of Prohibition for the fiscal year 1931 are hereby made available for the payment of items otherwise properly chargeable to this appropriation, the Vol. 37, p.414. provisions of section 6, Act of August 23, 19 12 (U. S. C., title 31, u . s. C.,P. 1019. sec . 669), to the contrary notwithstanding . For rent of buildings in the District of Columbia for the use of Rent, D. c. the Treasury Department, $12,500 . DIVISION OF SUPPLY Supply Division. Salaries : For the Chief, Division of Supply, and other personal Chief, and other per- sonal sen- icts. services in the District of Columbia, $190,580 . Printing and binding : For printing and binding for the Treasury . Printing and bind- Department, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, including materials for the use of the bookbinder located in the Treasury Department, but not including work done at the New York wo rk excl ude d. customhouse bindery authorized by the Joint Committee on Print- vol . 40, p .1270 . in- in accordance with the Act of March 1, 1919 (U . S . C ., title 44, u . s. c., P.1421. sec . 111), $715,000 . Stationery : For stationery for the Treasury Department and its Stationery . several bureaus and offices, and field services thereof, including tags, labels, and index cards, printed in the course of manufacture, pack- ing boxes and other materials necessary for shipping stationery supplies, and cost of transportation of stationery supplies purchased free on board point of shipment and of such supplies shipped from Washington t o field offices, $425,000 . General Supply Committee : For personal services in the District oe meral Supply ittee . o f Col umbia not exce eding $12 5,080 ; nec essary ex penses, includin g Pe rsonal service s and one five-ton truck, office supplies and materials, maintenance of office expenses . motor trucks, telegrams, telephone service, traveling expenses, office equipment, fuel, light, electric current, and other necessary expenses for carrying into effect regulations governing the transfer and dis- et Tr ansfer of supp lies, position of supplies and unusable Government materials, supplies, and equipment in the District of Columbia ; in all, $135,080.

T~,-neR-riter repairs Repairs to typewriting machines (except bookkeeping and billing by suppl y committee . machines) in the Government service in the District of Columbia may be made at cost by the General Supply Committee, payment therefor to be effected by transfer and counterwarrant, charging the proper appropriation and crediting the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, General Supply Committee ."

T ypewrit ing ma- No part of any money appropriated by this or any other Act chines, shall be used during the fiscal year 1931 for the purchase of any standa rd typewriting machines, excep t bookkeeping and billing machines, at a price in excess of the following for models with car- 57894°-31-22