Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/391

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 289 . 1930 . to exceed $800 each, including the value of any vehicle exchanged), $391,000 . Interstate quarantine Interstate quarantine service : For cooperation wit h Sta te and service.

municipal health authorities in the prevention of the spread of contagious and infectious diseases in interstate traffic, $68,520 . Rural sanitation. Rural sanitation : For special studies of, and demonstration work in, rural sanitation, including personal services, and including not to exceed $5,000 for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation s bear to local con- of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $338,000 : Provided, t ributions . That no part of this appropriation shall be available for demonstra- tion work in ru ral sa nit ati on in any community unless the State, county, or municipality in which the community is located agrees to pay one-half the expenses of such demonstration work . Regulation Biological p of a sale of

t~ e Biologic products : To regulate the propagation and sale of viruses, viruses, etc . serums, toxins, and analogous products, including arsphenamine, and for the preparation of curative and diagnostic biologic products, inc lud ing pe rso nal se rvi ces of re ser ve com mis sio ned of fic ers and other personnel, $46,620. Venereal Diseases For the maintenance and expenses of the Division of Venereal D' 1i t

Diseases , establ ished by sections 3 and 4, Chapter XV, of the Act Mainte nance . . 40, U v

approved July 9, 1918 (U . S . C, title 42 sees . 24, 25), including Se ic.,nt the Dis- personal

P and thr services in the field and in the Ditrict of Colum Ser vices i trict.

b ia, $100 ,000 , of whic h am ount not to excee d $2 5,48 0 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Narcotic farms'

Narcotic farms : For expenses incident to carr ying out the pro- Vol .

of . Vol . 45, p.1085 .

visions of the act approved January 19, 1929 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, p 3045' c., Supp. IV, title 21, sec . 225), authorizing the esta blishmen t of two narcotic Transportation, etc.,

including personal services in the District of Columbia and of effects and personnel elsewhere ; freight, transportation, and traveling expenses, and the of Public Health Serv- ice .

packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of the personal effects Pr aaiso1~ '

of the personnel f thulic Health Service upon permanent change . Selection of sites,

of station, $10,900 : Provided, T hat app ropr iati ons for the of fice of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury for the fiscal year 1931 shall be available for the payment of expenses incident to the selec- tion of sites, as provided in section 2 of the act authorizing the e stablish ment of two narco tic farm s approv ed Januar y 19, 19 29 . For Educational

of Educational exhibits : For the preparation of public-hea lth spread of diseases . exhibits designed to demonstrate the cause, prevalence, methods of spread, and measures for preventing diseases dangerous to the public health, including personal services and the cost of acquiring, trans- porting, and displaying exhibit material, $2,500 . Bureau of the Mint . BUREAU OF THE M INT Director's Office .

OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF THE MINT Director, and office personnel .

Salaries : For the Dire ctor of the Mint and other person al services in the District of Columbia, $38,180 . Transportin g bullion and coin .

For transportation of bullion and coin, by registered mail or otherwise, between mints and assay offices, $10,000 . Conting ent expenses . For contingent expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, to be expended under the direction of the director

For assay laborator y chemicals,

fue l, materials, bal ances, weights, and other necess aries, including books, periodicals, specimens of coins, ores, and incidentals, $900 . Examinations, etc •

For examination of mints, expense in visiting mints for the pur- Precious metal sta- pose of superintending the annual settlements, and for special tistics . examinations and for the collection of statistics relative to the annual ' production and consumption of the precious metals in the United States, $5,600 .