Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/417

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cxs. 307, 308 . 1930 . Owners of adjoining SEC . 3 . That prior to the award of any lease under section 1 of this lands allowed to sub- mit bid for royalty to Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall notify the owner or lessee of ex paid far oil or g~ extracted through wells adjoining lands and allow him a reasonable time, to be fixed in the thereon, from the rights notice given, within which to submit an offer or bid of the amount of way. or percentage of compensatory royalty that such owner will agree to pay for the extraction through wells on his or its adjoining land, of the oil or gas under and from such adjoining right of way, and offer from bolder of at the same time afford the holder of the railroad or other right of right of way. way a like opportunity within the same time to submit its bid or offer as to the amount or percentage of royalty it will agree to pay, if a lease for the extraction of the oil and gas deposits under the Grant of award . right of way be awarded to the holder of such right of way. In case of competing offers by the said parties in interest, the Secretary shall award the right to ex tract the oil an d gas to th e bid der, duly qualified, making the offer in his opinion most advantageous to the United States . In case but one bid or offer is received after notice duly given, he m ay, i n his discr etion award the right to ex tract the oil and gas to such bidder . shutdown ac ,wells .. SEc . 4 . That any lease granted by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to this Act may, in the discretion of said Secretary, contain a provision giving the lessee the right, with the approval of said Secretary, to shut down the operation of any well or wells the operation of which has become unprofitable, to resume operations when such resumption may result in profit, and to abandon any well or wells that cease to produce oil and/or gas in paying quantities . Determination of roy- SEc. 5. That the royalty to be paid to the United States under alty.

any lease to be issued, or agreement made pursuant to this Act, shall be determined by the Secretary of the Interior, in no case Provisos. to be less than 121/2 per centum in amount or value of the produc- Royalt y from land Lion, nor for more than twenty years : Provided, That when the oil adjacent,

or gas is produced from land adjacent to the ri ght of way the amount or value of the royalty to be paid to the United States shall be within the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior Reduction on small Provided further, That when the daily average production of an p roduct ion .



y oil well does not exceed ten barrels per day said Secretary may, in Regulations, etc ., au- his discretion, reduce the royalty on subsequent production . thorized. SEc. 6. That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and di rected to adopt rules and regulations governing the exercise of t he disc ret ion and aut hor ity con ferr ed by this Act, which rules and regulations shall constitute a part of any application or lease he reunder . Appro ved, May 2 1, 1930 . May 21, 1930.

[H. R. 101711

CHAP . 308 .-An Act Providing for the erection at Clinton, Sam pson [Public, No .242.] Co unty, N orth Ca rolina, of a m onument in comm emorati on of W illiam Rufus King, former Vice President of the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the William Rufus King. United States o f America in . Congress assembled, That in carrying Plans for erection of tablet in commemora- i nto e ffect the p rovis ions of the Act approv ed Ma y 23, 1928 (Fort y- ti on of, to be exec uted by secretary of war. fifth Statutes, page 719), and February 28, 1929 (Forty-fifth Statutes, Vol . 45, pp . 719,1378 . page 1378), providing for the construction of a tablet or marker in c ommemorat ion of Wil liam Rufu s King, fo rmer Vice President of the United States, the Secretary of War is authorized to do all things necessary to accomplish said purpose, by contract or otherwise, with or without advertising, under such conditions as he may prescribe, including the engagement, by contract, of services of such architects, sculptors, artists, or firms or partnerships thereof, and other technical and professional personnel as he may deem necessary without regard