Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/43

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xlV Page . Mare I sland Stra its, Calif ., sewer outlet . An Act To permit the county of Solano in the State of Californi a to lay, co nstruct, ins tall, and mai ntain sewer outlets over and across t he Navy longitudinal dike and accretions thereto, in Mare Island Straits, California . Marc h 4,193 1 ---

- 1517 "Princeton," United States Ship, bowl and ladle . An A ct Authorizing the S ecretary of the Navv, in his discretion, to deliver to the custody of the Princeton Club of Philadelphia, the bowl and ladle formerly in use on the United States ship Princeton . March 4, 1931 1517 Aztec Land and Cattle Company . An Act To authorize an appropriation of tribal funds to pur- chase certain privately owned lands within the Fo rt Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona . March 4,1931 1517 Cherokees, N . C., Eastern Band, final roll . An Act To amend the Act of June 4, 1924, provid- ing for a final dispo sition of th e affairs of the Eastern Band of Cher okee Indians in North Carolina . March 4,1931 1518 Mines Bure au ex perim ent s tatio n, Co llege Park , Md . An Act Authorizing the establishment of a mining experiment station of the Bureau of Mines at College Park, Maryland March 4,1931 1518 Wind Cave National Park, S. Da k ., enlarged. An Act To exte nd the boundaries of Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota . March 4,1931

1518 Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz . An Act To cancel certain reimbursable charges against certain lands within the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona . March 4, 1931__- 1519 Fort Ethan Allen, Vt ., target range . An Act To authorize an additional appropriation of $7,500 for the completion of the acquisition of land in the vicinity of and for use as a target range in connection with Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont . Ma rch 4, 1931 1520 Porto Rico, agricultural experiment stations . An Act To coordinate the agricultural experi- ment-st ation work a nd to extend the benefits of certain Acts of Cong ress to the Terri- tory of Porto Rico . Ma rch 4, 1931 1520 French Veterans of World War Convention . An Act To provide for the entertainment of members and delegates to th e Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Fr ench Veterans of the World War, to be held in the District of Columbia in September, 1932 . March 4,1931 1521 Washakie National Forest, Wyo ., addition . An Act To add ce rtain publ ic l ands to the Washakie National Forest, Wyoming . Ma rch 4, 1931 1521 Capitol Grounds, enlargement . An Act To authorize the acquisition of additional land for enlarging the Capitol Grounds . March4,1931 1522 Cahuilla Indian Reservation, Calif ., addition . An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to purchase certain land in California for addition to the Cahuilla Indian Reservation, and issuance of a patent to the band of Indians therefor . March 4, 1931 _ 1522 Battle of Fort Necessity, Pa . An Act To provide for the commemoration of the Battle of Fort Necessity, Pennsylvania . March 4,1931 1522 Washington Bicentennial quarter dollar . An Act To authorize a change in the design of the quarter dollar to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Washington . March 4, 1931 1523 Ge ner al Le as ing A ct, amendments . An Act To amend sec tions 17 and 27 of the G enera l Leasing Act of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437; U. S. C., title 30, sees. 184 and 226), as amended . March 4, 1931 1523 Puyallup Indians, Wash ., tribal funds . An Act To provide for distribution of tribal funds of the Puyallup Indians of the State of Washington . March 4, 1931 1526 Bri dge, Ohio River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the con- struction ofa bridge across the Ohio River at or near Moundsville, West Virginia . March 4,1931 1526 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of North Dakota to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Missouri R iver at or near Elbowoods, North Dako ta . March 4, 1931 1526 Pipe-line Bridge, Missouri River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to Missouri Vall ey Pipe Line Company of Iowa to construc t, maintain, and ope rate a pipe-line bridge across the Missouri River . March 4, 1931 1527 Bridge, Monongahela River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Monongahela River at or near Star City, West Virginia . Mar ch 4, 1931 1527 Bridge, Missouri River . An Act To amend Public Act Num bered 624, Seventy-f irst Congress . March 4,1931 1527 George Washington Bicentennial Commission, membership . An Act Relating to the tenure of Congr essi onal Mem bers of the Geor ge W ashin gton Bi-centennial Commission . March 4, 1931 1528 Stephen T. Mather . An Act To authorize a suitable memorial in connection with the park and p layg roun d sy stem of the Nati onal Capi tal or the George Washington Par kway , to the late Stephen T . Mather. March 4,1931 1528 Real-estate liens, Federal Government party defendant in . An Act To permit the United States to be made a party defendant i n certain cas es . March 4, 1931 1528 Alaska, salaries of Governor and secretary . An Act To fix the ann ual compensations of the secretary and the Governo r of the Ter ritory of Ala ska . March 4, 1931 1530