Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/440

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Ex tension Service . P AYMENTS TO STAT ES, HAW AII, AND ALASK A FOR A GRICULI UItAL EXTENSION WORK For cooperative agr icultural exten sion work, to b e allotted, pa id, Cooperative exten- sion wor k allotm ents . and expended in the same manner, upon the same terms and condi- Vol. 38, p. 372; Vol. tions, and under the same supervision as the additional appropria- 45 up' S1'C., p. 114; tions made by the Act of May 8, 1914 (U . S . C ., title 7, sees. 341-348), Supp, IV, p, 44 . entitled "An Act to provide for cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of an Act of Congress approved July 2, 1862 (U . S . C ., title 7, sees . 301-308), and of Acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture," $1,580,000 ; and all sums tuPeans of expendi- appropriated by this Act for use for demonstration or extension work within any State shall be used and expended in accordance with plans mutually agreed upon by the Secretary of Agriculture and the proper officials of the college in such State which receives the benefits of said Act of May 8, 1914 : Provided, That of the above

nryasents- appropriation not more than $300,000 shall be expended for purposes other than salaries of county agents . To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the Further

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of State college s and provision s of the Act entit led "An Act to pr ovide for the fur ther the Departmen t in extension work, development of agricultural extension work between the agricul- Vol. 38, p. 372; Vol. tural colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of the Act 45'u' sl' C., p. u1; entitled `An Act donating public lands to the several States and supp s

iv, p. 43. Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts,' approved July 2, 1862 (U . S. C ., title 7, sees . 301-308), and all Acts supp lementary thereto , and the United States Department of Agriculture," approved May 22, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp. III, title 7, sees . 343a, 343b), $1,480,000 . To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the A Ete ns ion wo rk, in provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the benefits of the Vol. 45, p.1256. Hatch Act and the Smith-Lever Act to the Territory of Alaska," p,45 .s' C., supp. IV, approved February 23, 1929 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 7, sec . 386c), $10,000 . In all, payments to States, Hawaii, and Alaska for agricultural extension work, $3,070,000 . SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES For necessar y expenses for g eneral administrative purposes, penses . Administr ation A

ex- esr including personal services in the District of Columbia, $15, 000 .

Farmers' cooperative . For farmers' cooperative demonstration work, including special demonstration work . suggestions of plans and methods for more effective dissemination of the results of the work of the D epartment of Agricult ure and the agricultural experiment stations and of improved methods of agri- cultural practice, at farmers' institutes and in agricultural instruc- tion, and for such work on Government reclamation projects, and for personal services in the city of Washington and elsewhere, sup- Personal services- . plies, and all other necessary expenses, $1,536,000, together with Vol .45,p.542 . $14,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1929 : Provided, That the expense of such Prov iso . Voluntary contribu- servlce shall be defrayed from this appropriation and such coopera- tions within the state tive, funds as may be voluntarily contributed by State, county, and accepted . municipal agencies, associations of farmers, and individual farmers, universities, colleges, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, other local associations of business men, business organizations, and indi- viduals w ithin the State .