Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/470

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. CHs . 341, 342. 1930 .

427 $75,000,000, to remain available until expended, which sum is com- supp . Iv, p .'311 422

posed of $32,800,000, the remainder of the sum of $75,000,000 author- ized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, by paragraph 1 of the Act approved June 22, 1926, and $42,200,000, Post, p . 1068. part o f the sum of $75,0 00,000 autho rized t o be a ppropr iated for th e fiscal year ending June 30, 19 30, by paragr aph 1 of the Act a pprove d May 26, 1928 (45 Stat ., p. 750), and for the erection of a laboratory Erection f perma- nent testing and in the District of Columbia or elsewhere for permanent search building . quarters for the testing and research work of the Bureau of Public Roads, and for the acquisition, by purchase, condemnation, gift, grant, dedic ation, or ot herwis e, of such la nds as he ma y deem neces - sary to provide a suitable site for such laboratory not to exceed $300,000, to be paid from the administrative funds authorized by the Act approved November 9, 1921, and acts amendatory thereof or s upple menta l the reto , app ropri ated here in . On and after the on Aalancoforlaboatory Arlington Farm, passage of this Act the unexpected balance of the appropriation of covered into the Tress- $75,000 made by the Act approved March 4, 1917 (U . S . Stat . L ., aVol . 39, p. 1161, re- vol . 39, p . 1161), for such a laboratory on the Arlington farm prop- pealed . erty of the United States Department of Agriculture shall cease to be available and shall be covered into the Treasury . Mount Vernon Me- MOUNT VERNON MEM ORIAL HIGHWAY

moral Highway . For constructing a memorial highway to connect Mount Vernon with the city of Washington, as provided in the Act authorizing the construction of such highway and the making of appropriations therefor, approved May 23, 1928 (45 Stat ., pp . 721, 722), including not to exceed $12,000 for departmental personal services in the District of Columbia, $2,000,000, to be immediately available, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $2,500,000 for this purpose contained in the Second Deficiency Act, f iscal year 1 928, t o rema in ava ilable until expend ed . Total, Department of Agriculture, $155,397,770 . Approved, May 27, 1930 . Construction, etc . Post, p. 483. Vol.45,p.721. Balance available . Vol . 45, p. 895. Ante, pp. 59, 140 . May 27, 19 30 . CHAP . 342 .-An Act To transfer to the Attorney Gen er al certain functions -[FT.R . 85741 .1 in the administratio n of the National Pr ohibition Act, to cr eate a Bureau of [Publrc,No . 273.] Prohibition in the Department of Justice, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Prohibition Reorgan- United States o f America in Congress assenvbled, That this Act may izatooon Act of 1930 . be cited as the " Prohibition Reorganization Act of 1930 ."

Bureau of Prnhibi- SEc. 2. (a) There shall be in the Department of Justice a Bureau tion created in Depart- of Prohibition, at the head of which shall be a Director of Prohibi- went of Justice . Director,

appoint- tion . The Director of Prohibition shall be appointed by the Attor- ment, salary . ney General, without regard to the civil service laws, and shall receive a salary at the rate of $9,000 per annum . (b) The Attor ney Ge neral is aut horize d to ap point, witho ut reg ard o~~ i Cant Director, to the civil service laws, an Assistant Director of Prohibition and such attorneys as he deems necessary and, in accordance with the competitive provisions of the civil service laws, such other officers Salaries under Class! . and employees as he deems necessary . The salaries of the Assistant fication Acts . Directo r and of all such attorn eys, o fficers , and employ ees sh all be 45 VPl.7422, p. 1498; Vol. fixed in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended h.S. C.,p.65; Supp. (United States Code title 5 chapter 13 ; United States Code Sup - IV P p. ost 2a p . . 1663. pl ement III , title 5 , chapter 13) .

, c) The Attorney General is authorized to designate any officer designated ActingbyDirector Attorn to (

ey or employee of the Department of Justice to act as Director of Pro- General. hibition during the absence or disability of the Director of Prohi- bition, or in the event that there is no Director of Prohibition .