Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/502

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459 selected for this position to have been either a commissioned officer or enlisted man who has been honorably mustered out or discharged from the military service of the United States and who may have been di sabled for act ive fi eld ser vice in line of duty , $7,62 0 . For repairs and preservation of monuments, tablets, roads, fences, ana ch alacesin Cuba and so forth, made and constructed by the United States in Cuba and China to mark the places where American soldiers fell, $1,000 . Restoration of Lee mansion : For continuing the restoration of the Lee Mansion, Ar- lington, mansion, Arlington Nati onal Cemetery , Virginia, a nd the pro-

ration, etc ., of. curement, including gifts, of articles of furniture and equipment which were formerly in use in such mansion, or replicas thereof, or other furniture and equipment of the period, in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved March 4, 1925 (43 Stat ., p . 1356), Vol.43,p.1356. $10,000, to remain available until expended ; such restoration and the articles so procured to be subject to the approval of the Com- Appro val by Com- mission of Fine Arts . mission of Fine Arts : Provided, That in the procurement of articles Proviso. of furniture equipment, and furnishings, or replicas thereof, re- Articles to restore in-

terior, etc . . may be pro- quired to restore the appearance of the interior of the Mansion to cur ed with out adv er- the condition of its occupancy prior to the Civil War, obligations tising . may be incurred without advertising when in the opinion of the Quartermaster General it is advantageous to the Government to dis- pense with advertising . NATI ONAL MILITAR Y PARKS Military Parks. CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA NATIONAL MILITARY PA RK

Chickam auga and Chattanooga. For continuing the establishment of the park ; compensation and Continuin g estab- expenses of the superintendent, maps, surveys, clerical and other lishment of . assistance ; maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor-pro- pelled passenger-carrying vehicle ; maintenance, repair, and opera- tion of one horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle ; office and all other necessary expenses ; foundations for State monuments ; mow- ing ; historical tablets, iron and bronze ; iron gun carriages ; roads and their maintenance, including posts and guard rails on highways, $66,000 . FORT DONELSON NATIONAL MILITARY PARK Fort Donelson . For care and maintenance of the Fort Donelson National Mili- n car and mainte- tary Park established on the battle field of Fort Donelson, Tennes- see, in accord ance with the provisions o f the Act appr oved March vo1 S4 cP- 1118- p. IV, 26, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 16, sees . 428 4 28j), including p.166. personal services, procurement of supplies and equipment, and all other expenses incident to the care and maintenance of the park, $7,200. Fredericksburg and FREDERICKSBURG AND SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY BATTLE FIELDS MEMORIAL spotsylvania Memo- rial. The u nobligated ba lances of the appropriation s previously made Vola45,pp .13 6,1666. under this head are continued available until June 30, 1931, for the same objects specified in such appropriations . GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK

Gettysburg . For continuing the establishment of the park ; acquisition of mnt finumgestablish- lands, surveys, and maps ; constructing, improving, and maintain- ing avenues, roads, and bridges thereon ; fences and gates ; marking the lines of battle with tablets and guns, each tablet bearing a brief legend giving historic facts and compiled without censure and with- out praise ; preserving the features of the battle field and the monu-