Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/505

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 348. 1930. traveling expenses of civilian employees, $5,000, to remain available until expended . Old For t Niagara, Old Fort Niagara, New York : For the repair, restoration, and Rehabilitating, etc. rehabilitation of the French gateway, head house, the French and early American battery emplacements and gun mounts, the old French chapel, and early American hot-shot oven, and including the repair and building of roadways and the improvement of grounds, and the completion of the building and/or restoration and rehabilitation of rest room at Old Fort Niagara, New York, $25,000, Equal local donation to be expended only when matched by an equal amount by donation required .

from local interests for the same purpose, such equal amount to be Pro oval of plans, expended by the Secretary of War : P rovided, That all work of App

- etc., b9 Secretary of repair, restoration, rehabilitation, construction, and maintenance War .

shall be carried out by the Secretary of War in accordance with plans approved by him . Signal Corps . Washington - Alaska cable, etc .

WA SHING TON- ALASK A MIL ITARY CABL E AND TEL EGRAP H SYS TEM et °pemtion expenses, For defraying the cost of such extensions, betterments, operation, and maintenance of the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and From receipts . Telegraph System as may be approved by the Secretary of War, to be available until the close of the fiscal year 193 2, from the receipts of the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System which have been covered into the Treasury of the United States, the extent of such extensions and betterments and the cost thereof to be reported to Congress by the Secretary of War, $300,000 . Medical Department . Artificial limbs .

Artificial limbs : For furnishing artificial limbs and apparatus, or commutation therefor, and necessary transportation, $42,000. Surgic al app liance s . Appliances for disabled soldiers : For furnishing surgical appli- ances to persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United States prior to April 6, 1917, or subsequent to July 1, 1921, and not entitled to artificial limbs or trusses for the same disabilities, $600 . R. Trusses S., see. 1176, p . Trusses for disabled soldiers : For trusses for persons entitled 211.

thereto under section 1176 Revised Statutes of the United States, Vol.20,p. 353.


> U. S. C.,p. 1202.

and the Act amendatory thereof, approved March 3, 1879 (U. S . C ., title 38, sees . 247-249), $300 . CORPS OF ENGINEERS CA LIFO RNI A DE BRIS CO MMIS SIO N For defraying the expenses of the commissi on in carrying on the work authorized by the Act approved March 1, 1893 (U. S. C., title 33, sec . 661), $18,000 . CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADS, BRIDGES, AND TRAILS, ALASKA Engineer Corps . California D6bris Commission. Expenses . Vol. 27, p. 607 . U. S. C., p 1086. Alaska . SIGNAL CORPS MEDICAL DEPARTMENT et Roads, bridges, trails, For the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads, tramways, Construction expen- ferries, bridges, and trails, Territory of Alaska, to be expended ses, etc., under road commisss sion ne rs92

under the direction of the Board of Road Commissioners described U.s.o., p.1284. in section 2 of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane persons in the District of