Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/512

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 349. 1930 . laborers, and mechanics generally shall, under like conditions, be eligible for retirement ab sixty-five years of age and that railway postal clerks, mechanics and laborers in navy yards including lead- ing men and quartermen but excluding master mechanics and fore- men, and those employees engaged in pursuits whose occupation is hazardous or requires great physical effort, or which necessitates exposure to extreme heat or cold, and those employees whose terms of service shall include fifteen years or more of such service rendered in the Tropics, shall be eligible at sixty-two years of age ; the classifica- tion of employees for the purpose of assignment to the various age groups shall be determined jointly by the Civil Service Commission and the head of the department, branch, or independent office of the Government concerned : Provided further, That any such employee who was employed as a mechanic for the major portion of his service, and not less than fifteen years, and was subsequent to August 20, 1920, involuntarily transferred to employment as a laborer and thereafter involuntarily discharged from the service of the United States, shall receive such annuity as he would have been entitled to, if on the day of his discharge from the service he had been retired under the provisions of this Act : Provided further, That any mechanic, having served thirty years, who wa s, through no fault of his own, trans- ferred or reduced to a minor position, and who shall have attained, or who shall thereafter attain the age of sixty-two years, shall have his annuity computed upon his average annual basic salary, pay, or compensation f or the last t en years of h is service as a mechanic Provided further, That th e term "mecha nics," as used in this Act, shall include all employees in the Government Printing Office whose duties are to supervise, perform, or assist in apprentice, helper, or journeyman work of a recognized trade or craft, as determined by the Public Printer . All employees to whom this Act applies, who would be eligible for retirement from the service upon attaining the age of seventy years, sixty-five years, or sixty-two years, as the case may be, shall, after attaining the age of sixty-eight years, sixty-three years, and sixty years, respect ively, and ha ving re ndered at lea st thir ty year s' ser vice, computed as provided in section 5 of this Act, be eligible for retire- ment on an annuity as provided in section 4 of this Act . Retirement under the provisions of this paragraph shall be at the-option of the employee ; but if such option is not exercised prior to the date upon which the employee would otherwise be eligible for retirement from the service, t he provisions of this Act with respect t o automatic separation from the service shall apply . AUT OMATIC S EPARATI ON SEC. 2. All employees to whom this Act applies shall, on arriving at retirement age as define d in the prec eding section, and having rendered fifteen years of service, be automatically separated from the service, and all salary, pay, or compensation shall cease from that date, and it shall be the duty of the head of each department, branch, or independent office of the Government concerned to notify such employees under his direction of the date of such separation from the service at least sixty days in advance thereof : Provided, That if the head of the department, branch, or independent office of the Govern- ment in which he is employed certifies to the Civil Service Commis- sion that by reason of his efficiency and willingness to remain in the civil service of the United States the continuance of such employee therein would be advantageous to the public service, such employee may be retained for a term not exceeding two years upon the approval and certification by the Civil Service Commission, and at the end of 469 Railwaypostal clerks, etc ., hazardous pu r- suits, and service in the Tropics . Mech anic s inv olun - tari ly tr ansfe rred as l a- bore rs si nce Augus t 20, 192 0 . Mechanics reduced after 30 years' service . Governmen t Print- ing Office employees inclu ded as " mecha n- ics ." Optional retirement two years before auto- matic per iod allow ed employees with thirty years' service . Vol.44,p. 1381. Post, p. 472. Automatic sep ara - tion from ser vice on reaching re tirement age, etc . Notification to em- ployees. Provisos. Temporary reten- tion on certificate by head of dep artment, etc .