Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/530

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487 CHAP. 3 5 9 .-An Act Author izing the Cour t of Claims of the United St ates May 2 9,193 0 1 to hear and determine the claim of the city of Park Place, heretofore an inde- IH R . 6414 .1 pendent municipality but now a part of the city of Houston, Texas . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the United States Court of Claims be, and it is hereby, authorized and directed to hear and determine and report to Congress the claim of the city of Park Place, Texas, heretofore an independent m unicipality but now included within the extended corporate limits of the city of Hou ston , Te xas, for comp ensat ion for the d estr ucti on of the str eets of the said city of Park Place by the Army trucks of the United States in the years of 1917 and 1918 . Said claim shall not be barred by any statute of limitations nor because of the fact that the claimant was at the time of the injury a separate municipality and now a part of the city of H oust on, Texas . App roved, May 29, 1930 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America i n Congress assembled , T hat the last sentence of section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the acquisition of certain property in the District of Columbia for the Library of Congress, and for other purposes," approved May 21, 1928, is amended to read as follows : "Any condemnation pro ceed- ings necessary to be instituted under the authority of this Act shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled `An Act to provide for the acquisition of land in the District of Columbia for the use of the United States,' approved March 1, 1929 (U . S. C ., Supp. III, title 40, ch. 7) ." Approved, May 29, 193 0 . PPublic, No . 289 .1 Park Place, Tex. Claim of, for destruc- tion of streets by Army trucks, to be deter- min ed by Co urt of Claims. Statute of limitations Waived, etc . May 29, 1930. CHAP . 360 .-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the (H . R. 11433 .] acquisition of certain property in the District of Columbia for the Library of (Public, No . 29 0 .] Congress, and for other purposes," approved May 21, 1928, relating to the co ndem nati on of land . Library of Congress. Acquiring si te for new building . Vol . 45, p. 623, amended. Post, p. 515. Condemnation pr o- ceedings. Vol. 45, p. 1415 . U.S.C., Supp.IV, p . 564 . May 29, 1930. CHAP . 361 .-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the city of Olean, [H. R . 11703 .] New York, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the (Public, No . 291.] Allegheny Ri ver at or n ear Olean, New York . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent Allegheny River. of Congress is hereby gra nted to the city of Olean, New York, to bridge. con struct, mai ntain, and o perate a fr ee highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Allegheny River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Olean, Cattaraugus County, New York, in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Ac t to reg ulate the con struc tion of bridg es o ver navig able wat ers," approved March 23, 1906 . SEC . 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, May 29, 1930 . Construction . Vol .34,p.84 . Amendment.