Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/542

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SE VENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II . Ca. 399. 1930 . which ma y be ta ken in t he Unit ed State s or el sewhere, accumu lative for thre e years , under such ru les and regulat ions as the Sec retary of Agriculture shall prescribe . SEC . 3 . (a) Subject to the requirements of the civil service laws, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, the Secre- tary of Agriculture is authorized to appoint, fix the compensation of, prom ote, de mote, an d separ ate from the se rvice su ch cler ks and other assistants for officers of the Foreign Agricultural Service as he may deem necessary . ( b) When authori zed by the Secr etary o f Agricu lture, officers of the Foreign Agricultural Service may employ American citizens in a foreign country from time to time, fix the compensation of, and s eparate from th e servi ce such clerica l and ot her ass istants as may be necessary . SEC . 4. (a) Any officer, assistant, clerk, or employee of the De- partment of Agriculture, while on duty outside of the continental limits of the United States and away from the post to which he is assigned, shall be entitled to receive his necessary traveling expenses and his actual exp enses for subsiste nce, or a per diem in lieu of sub- sistence, equal to that paid to other officers of the Government when engaged in analogous foreign service . (b) The Secretary of Agriculture may authorize any officer of the Foreign Agricultural Service to fix, in an amount not exceeding the allowance fixed for such officer, an allowance for actual subsis- t ence, or a per diem al lowance in lieu thereof , for a ny cleri cal or other assistant employed by such officer under subdivision (b) of sec- ti on 3 when such cle rical or other as sistant is engaged in travel out- s ide the contine ntal li mits of the Uni ted Stat es and away fro m the post to which he is assigned . (c) Any officer, assistant, clerk, or employee of the Foreign Agri- cultural Service, while on duty within the continental limits of the Un ited States, shall be entitled to r eceive the traveli ng expenses and actual e xpenses incurre d for s ubsisten ce, or per diem allowa nce in lieu the reof, a uthorize d by la w . SEC . 5 . The Secretary of Agriculture may make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and may cooperate with any department or agency of the Gov- ernment, State, Territory, District, or possession, or department, agency, or political subdivision thereof, cooperative and other farm organizations, or any person, and shall have power to make such expenditures for rent outside the District of Columbia, for printing, telegrams, telephones, law books, books of reference, maps, publi- cations, furniture, stationery, office equipment, travel and subsistence allowances, and other supplies and expenses as shall be necessary to t he admin istrati on of t he Act i n the D istrict of Colu mbia and else- where . With the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture an officer of the Foreign Agricultural Service may enter into leases for office quarters, and may pay rent, telephone, subscriptions to publications, and other charges incident to the conduct of his office and the dis- charge of his duties, in advance in any foreign country where cus- tom or practice requires payment in advance . Approved, June 5, 1930 . 499 Clerical, etc., assist- ants i n servic e, author ized . Employment, etc ., of American citizens abroad, by officers of service . Transportation, etc., of officer, etc ., of de- partment, on detail. Subsistence, etc ., al- lowance, for clerical, etc ., assistant, may be fixed by employing officer. Travel, etc ., ex- penses , while on detail in United States. Ru les and regul a- tions by Secretary. Cooperation with de- partments, etc . Contingent expenses. Office expenses abroad .