Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/549

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506 Preparing Senate Manual. Clerical assistance to Senators.

CLE RIC AL A SSIS TANC E TO SE NATO RS . All owa nce to Se na- Clerical assistance to Senators who are not chairmen of the com- tors not cha irmen o f designated committees . mittees specifically provided for herein, as follows : Seventy clerks at $3,900 each ; seventy assistant clerks at $2,400 each ; and seventy co m- assistant clerks at $2,220 each, $596,400 . Such clerks and assistant clerk s shall be ex o fficio c lerks an d assis tant cle rks of a ny comm ittee of which their Senator is chairman . Seventy additional clerks at $1,800 each, one for each Senator hav- ing no more than one clerk and two assistant clerks for himself or for the committee of which he is chairman ; messenger, $1,800 ; $127,800 ; in all, $724,200 . Aut hor ity as mittee clerks . Addit iona l cl erks . Offic e of Ser geant at Arms, etc. Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, se cret a- ries, assistants, etc . Messengers, etc . Laborers, etc . Pages . S EVEN TY-F IRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cu. 407. 1930 . at $2,220 each . Mines and Mining-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Naval Aff airs-c lerk, $3,900 ; as sistant cle rk, $2,880 ; assi stant clerk , $2,400 ; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each . Patents-clerk, $3,900 ; assist- ant clerk, $2,400 • assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Pensions-clerk, 3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; four assistant clerks at $2,220 each . Post Offices and Post Roads-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,880 ; three assistant clerks at $2,220 each ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Printing-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Privileges and Elections- clerk $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; addi- tional clerk, $1,800 . Public Buildings and Grounds-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 . Pu blic Land s an d Su rvey s-cle rk, $3,9 00 ; a ssistant clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; two assistant clerks at $2,220 each . Revision of Laws-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; addi tional c lerk, $ 1,800 . R ules- clerk , $3, 900, and $200 towar d the preparation biennially of the Senate Manual under the direction of the Committee on Rules ; assistant clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; assistant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800. Territories and Insular Possessions-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; assist- ant clerk, $2,220 ; additional clerk, $1,800 ; in all, $481,300 . OE e ICE OF SERGEANT AT ARMS AND DOOR KE EPER Salaries : Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, $8,000 ; two secre- taries (one for the majority and one for the minority) at $5,400 each ; two assistant secretaries (one for the ma j ority and one for the minority) at $4,320 each ; messengers-five (acting as assistant doorkeepers, including one for minority) at $2,400 each, thirty-eight (including two for minority) at $2,040 each, one at $1,560, one at card door, $2,880 ; clerk on journal work for Congressional Record, to be selected by the official reporters, $3,360 ; Deputy Sergeant at Arms and storekeeper, $4,440 ; clerk, $2,460 ; stenographer in charge of furniture accounts and records, $1,740 ; upholsterer and locksmith, $2,400 ; cabinetmaker, $2,040 ; three carpenters at $2,040 each ; jani- tor, $2,040 ; skilled laborers-seven at $1,680 each, one at $1,560 ; laborer in charge of private passage, $1,680 ; three female attendants in charge of ladies' retiring rooms at $1,500 each ; three attendants to women's toilet rooms, S .enate Office Building, at $1,500 each ; tele- hone operators-chief, $2,460, seven at $1,560 each ; night operator, 1,380 ; telephone page, $1,260 ; laborer in charge of Senate toilet rooms in old library space, $1,200 ; press gallery-superintendent, $3,660, assistant superintendent, $2,520, messenger for service to press correspondents, $1,740 ; laborers-three at $1,320 each, thirty-four at $1,260 each ; twenty-one pages for the Senate Chamber, at the rate of $4 per day each, during the session, $10,164 ; in all, $252,104.