Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/566

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cns . 411-413 . 1930 .

523 "SEC . 11 . That all Acts or parts of Acts now in force in the P

P . 17 4, r District of Columbia inconsistent with the provisions of this Act Inco nsisten t laws r e- be, and the s ame are hereby, repealed ."

pealed. Approved, June 6, 1930 . CHAP . 412 .-Joint Resolution Providing for the closing of Center Market in

June 6, 1930.

[S.J. Res.77.] the ci ty of Washin gton .

[Pub . Res., No. 82.] Res olved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That on January District of Columbia. 1, 1931, or sixty days after notice is given by the Secretary of Agri- Co mpany g~n Marke t culture, which notice shall not be given before September 1, 1930, all Lease, etc ., of Center leases and contracts made by the Secretary of Agriculture under January 11931to expire , etc. authority of the Act entitled "An Act to repeal and annul certain vol . 41, p . ml. parts of the charter and lease granted and made to the Washington Market Company by Act of Congress entitled `An Act to incorporate Vol. 16, p. 124. the Washington Market Company,' approved May 20, 1870," approved March 4, 1921, shall terminate and expire, and thereafter the property known as Center Market in the District of Columbia shall no longer be used as a public market . Appro ved, June 6, 1 930 . June 9, 1930. CHAP. 413.-An Act To provide for the classification of extraordinary [x .3899.] expenditures contributing to the deficiency of postal revenues .

[Public , No. 3 16 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the Postal service. United States o America in Congress assembled That the Postmaster Po stmaste r Genera l f

to c ertify annually , General shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the estimated amounts of Comptroller General of the United States, respectively, as soon as designated ,terns . practicable after the end of each fiscal year, the following : (a) The estimated amount which would have been collected at reg- Franked matter by ular rates of postage on matter mailed during the year by officers of Government officials . the Government (other than those of the Post O ff ice D epartmen t) under the penalty privilege, including registry fees ; (b) The estimated am ount which would have been col lected at By Member s of Con - regular rates of postage on matter mailed during the year by (1) „ess, etc • Members of Congress and (2) others under the franking privilege ; (c) The esti mated amou nt w hich would hav e bee n col lect ed du r- Publications, free in ing the year at regular rates of postage on publications going free in county . the county ; (d) The estimate d amount which would have been collected at Free totheblind . regular rates of postage on matter mailed free to the blind during the year ; The estimated difference between the postage revenue collected Mailin gs of news- (e)

papers, etc., of religious d uring the y ear on m ailings of newsp apers an d periodi cals pub lished eetc , int er`st , as co m- pared and in the interests of religious, educational, scientific, philan- under zone rates . thropic, agricultural, labor, and fraternal organizations, and that which would have been collected at zone rates of postage ;

Excess of aircraft (f) The estimated excess during the year of the cost of aircraft service over revenue service over the postage revenues derived from air mail ; and

from airmail . (g) The estimate d amount paid during the year to vessels of Ocean mail carried in American vessels over American registry for carrying the ocean mail in excess of What payment to for eign ves - would have been paid at pound rates if carried in vessels of foreign eels at pound rates . re gistry .

Separate classifica- And the amounts so certified shall be separately classified on the tions to be kept . b ooks of the Trea sury Depa rtment a nd the G eneral A ccountin g Office, respectively, in stating the expenditures made from the appropria- tion to supply the deficiency of postal revenues . Approved, June 9, 1930 .