Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/605

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS. SEss . II. CH. 463 . 1930 . Uniforms, eto ., from carrying vehicles, $130,000 : Provided, That uniforms and other Navy stocks . e quipm ent o r mate rial issue d to t he Na val Re serve Offi cers' Train ing Corps in accordanc e with law may be f urnished f rom surplu s or reserve stocks of the Navy without payment from this appropriation, except for actual expenses incurred in the manufacture or issue : Price current to gov- P rovided further, That in no case shall the amount paid from this ern payments' appropriation for uniforms, equipment, or material furnished to the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps from stocks under the control of the Navy be in excess of the price current at the time the issue is made . Naval War College . For maintenance of the Naval War College on Coasters Harbor Island, including care of grounds, $105,000 ; services of a professor of international law, $2,000 ; services of civilian lecturers, rendered at the War College, $2,000 ; care and preservation of the library including the purchase, binding, and repair of books of reference and p eriod icals , incl uding subs cripti ons t o news paper s whi ch may be p aid for in advance, $5,000 ; for contingencies of the president of the Naval War College, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $1,000 ; in all, $115,000 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy f or clerical , inspectio n, drafting , and messe nger service for the fi scal year ending June 30, 1931, shall not exceed $72,030 . Naval Home .


For pay of employees at rates of pay to be fixed by the Secretary of the Navy, $86,065 ; Maintenance. Maintenance : For water rent, heating, and lighting ; cemetery, burial expenses, and headstones ; general care and improvements of grounds, buildings, walls, and fences ; repairs to power-plant equip- me nt, implements, tools, and furniture, and purchase of the same ; music in chapel and entertainments for beneficiaries ; stationery, books, and periodicals ; transportation of indigent and destitute' beneficiaries to the Naval Home, and of sick and insane beneficiaries, their attendants and necessary subsistence for both, to and from other Government hospitals ; employment of such beneficiaries in and about th e Naval Home as may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy ~ on the recommendation of the governor ; su ppo rt of be nef ici ar ies an d all other contingent expenses, including the maintenance, repair, and operation of two motor-propelled vehicles, and one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, to be used only for official purposes, $102,935 ; From naval pension In all Naval Home, $189,000, which sum shall be paid out of t he f"nd '

income from the naval pension fund . Maintenance . Proviso. Clerical, etc ., serv- ices. Bureau of Engineer- ing. NAVAL WAR COLLEGE , BUREAU OF N AVIGATION BUREAU OF ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ma chi nery . repairs, For re pair s, pres erv atio n, a nd rene wal of mac hine ry, aux ili ary machinery, and boilers of naval vessels, yard craft, and ships boats, distilling and refrig"erating apparatus ; repairs, preservation, and renewals of electric interior and exterior signal communications and all electrical appliances of whatsoever nature on board naval vessels, except range finders, battle order and range transmitters and indi- cators, and motors and their controlling apparatus used to operate machinery belonging t o other bureaus ; searchlig hts and fire -control